Albums currently kicking your ass


This album contains two of the nastiest black metal songs of all time, Lord of the Woods and Gravestench.
Some of the grimiest, evil sounding black metal I've ever heard.

Why havent I seen anyone mention these guys?
Ripping old school death that was released in vinyl only last year. Their label finally decided to press cds this year. Did I mention their name is a Bolt Thrower reference and its fairly obvious they fucking love bolt thrower?

If you like this theres no reason at all not to buy it, 10 bucks shipped for the cd or 10 + shipping for the vinyl.

This again
Azarath - Diabolic Impious Evil

This is one of the few albums (along with monsters like Darkspace III and the latest Belphegor) that actually had me taken aback at their heaviness and scope.
Is the whole album up to par with the previews?

Add this to the list of seriously devastating albums I've run into lately: Temple of Baal - Lightslaying Rituals

I rarely go at reviews, but this just quotes it so well from the writeup.

Antaeus, Glorior Belli, and Deathspell Omega, each and all masterfully sinister, have little to match the face impaling ferocity of Temple of Baal’s third album.

Torture is better than I hoped. It had me ferociously headbanging in my car on the way home from buying it.

I'm also a little amazed how good the new Napalm Death is, which I bought also because it was on sale for 9.99. :)
I'll have to go and snag it then.

I knew from the first track that Utilitarian would be fantastic. I love it when bands know how to set the mood. That opener is just ferocious, for how slow and plodding it is.
Both the Solstice and War Master sound fucking awesome.Tonight Running Wild-Death Or Glory is kicking my ass beyond and Running Wild is a win/win situation.