Albums currently kicking your ass


Too fucking good that album.

I've always thought Nightmares Made Flesh was cool as hell, but than again am a Bloodbath fanboy.

Listening now. It's good, but... AOTY? Really? It's pretty good metal-tinged hardcore, but nothing mindblowing.

I had to give it a bunch of listens before it hit me. Awesome shit. New Ignivomous, Pallbearer, 7 H.Target and a few others are also up there for me. Too early to really call anything.
I'm just not enormously into the style. I mean it's damn well done and all but I don't think I'll be putting it on too many more times.

THIS, on the other hand...

It Is I - Evolve

This album is pretty difficult to describe.

It's post rock, it's full of creepy atmospheric passages, it's doom metal in pace, it's got sludgey riffing.... and maybe the strangest part, (at least with all the other factors) it has clean female vocals that are pretty good.

I'm sure it could just have that goofy "post-metal" tag but I feel like this albums is much more than that... I've listened to a lot of that stuff and it really isnt all that similar.

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