Albums currently kicking your ass

You gotta love trolls.

Some days I'd love to contribute to this thread, but it's hard to write "yeah I'm listening to Sargeist and Azarath again" every few days.

Thing is, I don't buy that half of them are trolling.

Yeah, I only use this thread for new music i'm enjoying or older music that i've just broken down a threshold on and find myself really getting into.
Fun thing: start on page one and just kinda meander your way forward. It's fun to see how tastes have changed. Lotta albums that are unpopular now that everyone loved then and vice versa. Plus there's always some surprises tucked in there.
Whatever you say, hombre.

Incidentally, MOG picked up Meshuggah's Koloss. I'm not gonna say it's kicking my ass, but I dig it.
I have my fans.


The first four Vital Remains albums are untouchable. I really need to buy Let Us Prey... I have the other three though, even Forever Underground.

And blah blah the benton albums are okay but just arent this good and I dont care how much you love Dechristanize. ;)

I'm not very familiar with Meshuggah and I also read some negative reviews about this album but I think it's pretty cool.
Meshuggah got one of the worst vocalists of all time, he will never shut the fuck up. The instrumentals are cool at times, but im not a huge fan of their boring overlong riffs with very little variation.

Now kicking ASS: