Albums currently kicking your ass

^ Everything is 100% on it. Even the lyrics. Unfortunately they are near impossible to translate. Very psycho.
I read a translation of "Kali" one time that I can't seem to find, unfortunately. "Psycho" doesn't begin to describe it.

Naked and four-handed
Is the black hole called Kálí
Is the world's cunt
Shining brighter than the Sun

The past, the present, the future
The three eyes proclaim the infinity
Holding power over three times

Leaving humans rotting and putrefying
Over mankind scattered like mange (????)
Transcendental powers
Shall burn

Egoism, nastiness
Disbelief and envy?
Kálí pisses over them (???)
Kálí is just Kálí
From the cosmos she's raining to destroy the Earth
With the veil of death and eruptions
Kálí will wipe off (???)

Deadly is the flux called Kálí
She really devastates
You indeed scorch!

from (!t.o.o.h.!_lyrics'_translations)

supergod's translation on the same page is a bit better:

corrected version (yup, im czech) Naked and four-handed Is the black hole Kálí Is the world's cunt Burning more than the Sun The past, the present, the future The three eyes proclaim the unlimited power over the three times overprided human nitkind (aka head lice) scattered Over the ball like decayness with Transcendental piss will be burnt Egoism, nastiness Disbelief and envy? Kálí pisses on them Kálí vomits on them (heh, kálí na ně kálí, got it? :)) From the cosmos shits are raining on the earth With cocoa of death the tag-rag in dust kálí will raze Deadly is the flux Kálí Shes close (well, thats what my dictionary tells me but i dont believe it. it should mean something like "she plays well" or "shes good") shes smart

Make a bomb: set it off at the mall.
Steal a car: run it into a wall.
Take a shit in a public place.
Beat someone up if you dont like his face.
Rob a house.
Steal a gun.
Go to school and shoot everyone.
Fuck things up as much as you can.
Don’t be a part of their master plan.

Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!

Smoke some dope but dont get a job.
Be a part of the welfare mob.
Get someone pregnant and totally bail.
Do your part to make society fail.
Burn all the churches.
Desecrate graves.
Show the world that you’re not a slave.
Fuck things up as much as you can.
Don’t be a part of their master plan.

Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!

Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!

Haters gonna hate, but this is without a doubt, one of the best hardcore/metalcore albums of all time.

I havnt listened to this style of music ever since my balls dropped, but revisiting this gem made me realize when hard/metalcore is done right, its fucking killer.

This album has really grown on me. I originally found it to be a tough album to make it through, but these days I find it kicking my ass from start to finish.

You can tell a lot about who was important to Sabbath by comparing H&H to Ozzy's most recent. Whereas the Ozzman sounds like a guy who still hasn't figured out that no one listens to shitty nu-metal, that album was pure throwback to the way Sabbath SHOULD sound. Bible Black is an excellent track, like Court of the Crimson King with an inverted cross around its neck.

Make a bomb: set it off at the mall.
Steal a car: run it into a wall.
Take a shit in a public place.
Beat someone up if you dont like his face.
Rob a house.
Steal a gun.
Go to school and shoot everyone.
Fuck things up as much as you can.
Don’t be a part of their master plan.

Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!

Smoke some dope but dont get a job.
Be a part of the welfare mob.
Get someone pregnant and totally bail.
Do your part to make society fail.
Burn all the churches.
Desecrate graves.
Show the world that you’re not a slave.
Fuck things up as much as you can.
Don’t be a part of their master plan.

Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!

Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!
Cause problems!

Just listened to this,awesome crossover and the lyrics are gold!
supergod's translation on the same page is a bit better:

Yeah he got it right. It's about the god and also about defecating because "Kálí na ně kálí" means Kálí defecates on them". But there are much more interesting songs lyrics-wise. Sometimes the music graduates into lyrics about raping a girl or stabbing a granny and it is ACTUALLY scary. The band does incredible job being believable. Of course it's just the morbid sense of humor:


There are new pics here as a promo for the upcoming album. I hope the link works.
^ BTW that's another czech band that looks just so eastern european on pictures. I can't forget reactions to this picture:
