Albums currently kicking your ass

Circle of Dead Children - Psalm of the Grand Destroyer
I've wanted to check them out for a while. How are they? I've heard some good things but just never took the time to see if I like them...
I keep telling people, GET A SUBSCRIPTION TO MOG. The have ALL of this shit on demand. And CodC is easily one of my favorite grind outfits. They're more death/grind, but the music is SO hateful and bleak that it's almost suffocating. Psalm is an album I can always go back to.
You can get a free subscription if you're okay with slightly limited daily listening and don't need it on a mobile device. I listen for hours a day and on my phone so I boosted the $10 a month for it. Way worth it.

It's also AMAZING with suggestions based on what you mark as a favorite and whatnot.

I find it very strange my local FYE had this. I really didnt intend on buying it, but hey when it's sitting right in front of your face, oh well.

Pretty good, too short of course.

I've been seeing this cover a lot lately and hearing good things about the album. Exactly what genre is Deathspell Omega? I might have to look into getting this one...
Black metal, but that doesn't really cover it. They're like... the Portal of black metal, if that makes sense. They really do their own thing. It's an EP but not like how most bands do EPs. Like, it's not just a short album, it's a fully thought out project that's just not full LP length.

Ancestors Blood - Return of The Ancient Ones

This is some well crafted epic/depressive/pagan black metal from Finland. Its simplicity in musicianship is well executed, the production is solid, and the vocals are fucking piercingly addictive (heavy Burzum influence).

Return of The Ancient Ones
is definitely an album I will be returning to again and again for years to come, for its uplifting and depressive atmosphere throughout...God damn.