Albums currently kicking your ass

Marasmus- A local band from Kansas City. Saw these guys this past Saturday and they kicked fuckin' ass. I picked up their album 'Mountains of Dead'. This is some good shit:kickass:

^ How does it compare to the first two?

I'm on my first listen here, and am only partly familiar with their earlier works. I have Fulfill The Curse, also.

What I can say is this is easy to keep listening to. The first track is over 10-mins long. The production may be too clean for some but I'm happy with it. They keep thing moving and interesting. I'm enjoying this very much, but it's not as heavy as I might have been expecting. Easy listening compared to the BDM/Slam I regularly listen to.
I'm on my first listen here, and am only partly familiar with their earlier works. I have Fulfill The Curse, also.

What I can say is this is easy to keep listening to. The first track is over 10-mins long. The production may be too clean for some but I'm happy with it. They keep thing moving and interesting. I'm enjoying this very much, but it's not as heavy as I might have been expecting. Easy listening compared to the BDM/Slam I regularly listen to.

Its death - doom, of course its easy listening in comparison :p.

I think the production is pretty close to that of Never Cross The Dead...maybe a tad cleaner. Good stuff.