Albums currently kicking your ass


Mother of God, this shit is badass.
Come Sleep - The Burden of Ballast

This is one of my favorite finds in the last little while. It's monotonous, at least in terms of bare riffs and technical switchery, but it makes up for that with the way it toys with textures and dynamics. The first track is a goliath, despite the fact that it's basically built on a single note chugged for six beats in an 8/8 measure. That may sound awful, but give it a try. It's worth it if you're at all a fan of post-type bands, though I'd almost call this one more prog/sludge/doom.
Sepultura- Chaos A.D.
Arch Enemy- Anthems of Rebellion
Soulfly- Enslaved

I've been in a Max Cavalera mood lately