Albums currently kicking your ass


Grinder - Dead End
Excellent Speed/Thrash

Helms Alee - Sleepwalking Sailors

Sublimely surreal and well-crafted. This trio's never been anything to scoff at, but they've clearly outdone themselves on this record. This first listen takes me back to the first time I heard Radiohead's OK Computer. It's like the heaviest indie album I've ever heard, gone are the hip hop passages, replaced with references to Ben Verellen's days in These Arms Are Snakes. It's as if they sequestered all of my favorite parts of Weatherhead and Night Terror, and then expanded on them.

Very, very pleased. I'll be ordering this on vinyl.

Cough - Ritual Abuse

I've seen this album posted around here so many times, I finally listened to it earlier today and i immediately fell in love with it. Those vocals. Damn.
Cough - Ritual Abuse

I've seen this album posted around here so many times, I finally listened to it earlier today and i immediately fell in love with it. Those vocals. Damn.

It's one of those albums people forget about. Throw it on though... wheoo.

This one blew my fucking asshole apart. I think I'm in love with the vocalist and want her to put her penis in me.

Obscure Sphinx - Void Mother