Albums currently kicking your ass



I was surprised to see on Facebook that Autopsy has a new album coming out soon. I hope it is better than the Headless Ritual.
Gris - Il était Une Forêt

Dangerous album, right there. I started to sink into it hard. Just lying on my back in the dark. Careful, folks.
Love those covers. What kind of music is it?

Blackgaze/post-black (whatever you wanna call it), but exceptionally well done. Not like Deafhaven, more like an extra abrasive Les Discrets or Ameseours. All the "shoegaze" elements there but doesn't try to make it all peppy and sunshine. Still has the black metal aesthetic while being beautiful.

This album is thrash perfection in my eyes. They say it's an album with a small cult following. I would be that cult's grand wizard if I could. I may never find another album to replace it.

I decided to rediscover Fear Factory's debut album after not listening to it for many years, and holy shit, it's still as amazing as it was back then. Their best album for sure!
Blackgaze/post-black (whatever you wanna call it), but exceptionally well done. Not like Deafhaven, more like an extra abrasive Les Discrets or Ameseours. All the "shoegaze" elements there but doesn't try to make it all peppy and sunshine. Still has the black metal aesthetic while being beautiful.

I've been meaning to check them out for a long time. I think I will do this today. Thanks for the reminder!
I've been meaning to check them out for a long time. I think I will do this today. Thanks for the reminder!

Haha, and they just released the opener off of their new album TODAY, no less. Apparently the new one will have no screaming or blast beats, but it's still rock/metal (the guy said they aren't pulling an Alcest on us like Shelter).
That new Hail Spirit Noir, Black Magic's Wizard's Spell.

New Nadja.

Red Harvest's Sick (I wonder if that was a mistake) Transit Gloria Mundi and Cold Dark Matter. Skin Chamber's two albums. Some Godflesh, Cable Regime and P.H.O.B.O.S.

I've been meaning to check them out for a long time. I think I will do this today. Thanks for the reminder!

May as well ignore the 3rd album. Boring as fuck. The first album is the only that is remotely 'abrasive', the second has better songs. I like the pseudo-jazz shit. Clean vocals aren't terrible.

Haha, and they just released the opener off of their new album TODAY, no less. Apparently the new one will have no screaming or blast beats, but it's still rock/metal (the guy said they aren't pulling an Alcest on us like Shelter).

Eh. Listening now and it sounds like they are doing 'an Alcest', in so much as they've gone from doing somewhat entertaining music to Zzzzz. I'd skim through Agape again to see if this is a continuation of that but I really can't be fucked.

I decided to rediscover Fear Factory's debut album after not listening to it for many years, and holy shit, it's still as amazing as it was back then. Their best album for sure!

I still listen to Fear Factory. I like Soul of A New Machine, but Demanufacture and Obsolete is where it is at. Pisschrist.