Albums currently kicking your ass


Yith - Dread

Great album. Doesnt get enough love on here.
Host I think, really dark and unsettling. You?
Serpent Moves closely followed by Paralyzed, Mesmerized.

nah Grin is restrained when the Coroner we all know and love was anything has its moments but its not classic Coroner like the first few
The first few are my least favourites. R.I.P. is a typical debut, sloppy and raw with some good ideas but amateur compared to their other albums and Punishment for Decadence has much better songwriting and riffs but No More Color destroys it. They did their best work when they realised they didn't have to go a hundred miles an hour all the time and concentrated more on dynamics and good riffs.
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As far as Coroner goes, my order is:

1. Punishment for Decadence
2. Mental Vortex
3. No More Color
4. R.I.P
5. Grin

I still like Grin. Coroner's worst is better than many bands anyway.
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No More Color > Mental Vortex > Grin > Punishment for Decadence > RIP

First two are objective masterpieces, Grin only falls slightly short due to some needless repetition at points. Punishment gets a bit samey but still has a lot of excellent moments and is basically an upgraded, thrash metal version of RIP.

Oh, and the new songs on the S/T are on par with Grin on the whole.
