Albums currently kicking your ass


I really like the super jewel case version of this I have... digipak is lame by comparison. Not that it matters at all. the album is fucking awesome.
Goatwhore is a good band, they're just popular enough to recieve a lot of hate.

That sargeist album is pretty lame, minus the title track.
Dude, I thought it was pretty uninteresting to say the least. What‘s up with us dude?

I think it's really good and a very cohesive album, mainly due to the very consistent songwriting. It's got just enough melody to distance itself from shitty boring black metal but it reins it in to develop the thrashing moments such as the title track's chorus. It isn't a "new" and "exciting" release; merely a very solid, enjoyable one. I like it more than most modern Finnish BM. To draw a comparison, it's so much better than the newest Satanic Warmaster.