Albums with good Bass Sound

Did no one say Between the Buried and Me??? The bassist is INCREDIBLE! skip to 1:00 if you only want to hear the bass part. That song just happens to be a full bass solo but their "normal" songs have phenomenal bass lines too.

If you don't have them already (but if you're into bass then you probably do) then get Les Claypool's solo albums. He's made a bunch under a bunch of different names. I'd recommend of Whales and Woe. He's an amazing bassist. He was rejected from Metallica for being too good hahaha.

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I was listening to some peppers, I'd say flea is cool with tone of his own.
I liked STP's bassist as well.. playing some very tasteful, supportive and fitting lines with good tone.
isis is a good rec, the bassist and justin chancellor are good mates and trade ideas all the time. probably my favourite bass mix is the arriving somewhere... dvd of porcupine tree. they often have a louder bass sound at concerts and colin edwin kills it. coincidentally its one of the best concerts for drumming you could ever hear. *gavin harrison fanboy*
old Cryptopsy, in particular Blasphemy Made Flesh. really loud obnoxious bass with some cool slapping, really in your face and heavy. Same for None So Vile, which features technically better (though slightly quieter) bass playing.

Suffocation - Breeding the Spawn. Fantastic melodies if you listen
Matt Freeman from Rancid is a god. Many might not think highly of punk, but if you are open-minded, check out the bass solos on "Maxwell Murder" from ...And Out Come the Wolves and "Axiom" from Rancid (2000). There should also be some live "Maxwell Murder" performances where he generally solos for about 2-3 minutes. He's fucking bomb.
you might try OM, as the band is only bass and drums. Pink Floyd I think has some good bass too, though I can't really recommend an album off the top of my head.