Albums with only Krank Rev?? (not blended!)


Jan 10, 2005
Anybody know of any releases where ONLY a Krank Rev was used for the tones on the recording? The only things I can find are where the Rev has been blended with something else. After sifting through 10 pages of search results I couldn't find anything.

Shadows is def. Krank, Oceans is def. Randall.

I believe Shadows Fall's newest is Krank

I remember hearing that BDM's Miasma is Krank but that one I'm iffy on.
Parkway Drive's "Killing with a smile" & Horizon, 3750 by The Acacia Strain and Bury your dead sounds very krankish too imho
Parkway Drive's "Killing with a smile" & Horizon, 3750 by The Acacia Strain and Bury your dead sounds very krankish too imho

I think 3750 came out way before Kranks had. I honestly don't know that I can even think of a single album with just Krank on it. What all made it onto "Doomsday Machine"?
Yeah Shane, I agree with you. Which is part of my reason for making the thread. Also, I wanted to see if it wasn't just me, and so far nobody has been able to say with 100% certainty what albums out there have just Krank on them, with the exception of maybe 2, and one of them isn't a commercial release.

I think 3750 came out way before Kranks had. I honestly don't know that I can even think of a single album with just Krank on it. What all made it onto "Doomsday Machine"?

I think either Krank + Recto or Krank + XXX, pretty sure it was the former
Latest Cradle of Filth was Krank.

I agree that generally speaking, Krank is at its best when paired with another amp. (Kind of like sex, it's a lot more fun if you do it with someone else as opposed to by yourself).

Although on a recent project I used Krankenstein on its own with a tube screamer. The TS gain knob was way up and the Krank gain down. The guitars were tuned to E and the guys had a real old school thrash vibe. Kicked ass!
Winds Of Plague used Krankenstines with Carvin Legacy cabs on "Decimate the Weak"
Thanks for the heads up, will try to check that out.

Any other releases?
