Albums you get addicted to for no apparent reason?


Opeth fanboy
Feb 5, 2002
It's weird... I'll think an album isn't all that great, but I'll HAVE to keep listening to it. Right now it's happening with Morbid Angel - Covenant... I mean, it's good, but I definitely have better albums. But I can't stop listening! Argh. A while ago it happened with Iced Earth - Burnt Offerings. Hrm... both of those bands are from Florida. Maybe it's a conspiracy...
I hear ya man. In my case, there's been a few discs I've picked up, that after listening to the first time, I thought were just average. But after several listens, they all of a sudden click. Oversoul, Hangnail (not the christian hangnail), and Sir Hedgehog would be good examples of that. It's sure alot cooler than realizing that a disc you really liked for awhile, isn't that great afterall.
Any of the following albums by:

Malevolent Creation

And a lot of other bands... most of these CDs I can listen to over and over and not get tired of them.
IMO albums that are that way are usually the best. When I for instance first got "Bloody kisses" by Type O Negative I was like "Yeah, that's alright" and then threw it on the shelf. A little later I took it out again, started listening to it and found out that it was a superb record! When "October rust" came out I was dissapointed. It was alright, but not exactly what I had expected. I kept listening to it and now I think it's better than "Bloody kisses". When I got my hands on "World coming down" I was like "Yeah, that's alright", but also a little dissapointed. Now I think it's a superb album, but still has to beat "Bloody" & "Rust" though. Maybe it will in the future, as "Rust" did it to "Bloody".
When I first heard Dimmu Borgir's "Enthrone darkness triumphant" I was like "Goddamn! Superb record!", heard it a lot, but has now grown a little tired of it, although I still think it's a great record! I think that a lot of times when music gets you totally the first time it can get tiresome after a while, but maybe it also depends on what kind of music it is. Stuff with energy and shit can get tiresome after a while, but I think sad music often stays good. But then it might be another thing, as more or less all the sad stuff I know is from the 60's and all the stuff I know with energy and power is from the 70's or metal from the 90's and as I've commented on before I think, I feel that quality in music went downhill from the 70's and forwards.
yeah, that's happened to me with Emperor's Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk and Sepultura's Beneath the Remains.
i didnt like clayman when i first heard it. i guess i wasnt ready for any change. recently i got really into it, and i was like "what the hell is wrong with me... i could have been enjoying this album for a long time now." :loco:
The album I was most addicted ever is PAIN: REBIRTH - when I got it, listened to it nearly nonstop for weeks and I thought I would never be able to listen to other music anymore.
Pain of Salvation's Remedy Lane -- Took me a while to warm up to it...even though I was a big fan.

Started listening to it more in preparation for ProgPower and just got hooked. Listened to it non-stop in the weeks before ProgPower, even more so than the other bands, and have been spinning it constantly ever since. Not like it's a particularly heavy or catchy or rockin' album...just weird.

Did the same thing for a while with DT's Scenes From A Memory.
I feel that quality in music went downhill from the 70's and forwards.
I have to agree with that. Overall quality is down, there are still great groups out there, but not nearly as many as there are bad ones.

Most of my favorite albums are ones that I either didn't like or just thought that they were okay at first. My most recent addiction is Opeth - Deliverance, which I didn't like at first, and I have listened to it three times today alone. :D
The new Immolation and the new Cathedral are very addicting, overall I find myself addicted to Cynic's Focus, Slayer's Reign in Blood, and Entombed's Wolverine Blues more than any other metal albums. If you're talking non metal you can throw any of the Hendrix studio albums in there as well.
I was addicted to these albums
Arch Enemy-Wages Of Sin
Sinister-Creative Killings and the Hate album
Alas-Absolute Purity
Electric Wizard-Dopethrone
High On Fire-Surrounded by Thieves and The Art of Self defense