Alchemist Studio - Corey Brunnemann

Props for this track man, its Huge!

Any info on the drum samples? Sounds like WIM kit but i havent been able to process the snare like that. Interested in the amp sim you used aswell!

for drums, it was programmed completely, and I used some cymbals from Joey Sturgis (no clue which ones). Kick is Steven Slate Kick 10, Snare is Steven Slate Snare 22. The toms are "Heavy Hitter Toms" that I sell (

Also the guitars are Pod Farm Cali Diamondplate, then there's an EQ after, and that's it!
for drums, it was programmed completely, and I used some cymbals from Joey Sturgis (no clue which ones). Kick is Steven Slate Kick 10, Snare is Steven Slate Snare 22. The toms are "Heavy Hitter Toms" that I sell (

Also the guitars are Pod Farm Cali Diamondplate, then there's an EQ after, and that's it!

Hey, those toms sound pretty good! I just might pick em up...
Dude I'm struggling ATM on mastering my tracks you would b a god if you could tell me what you do to master your tracks cheers man :)
Cory, do you give lessons or anything over the internet? Or maybe make tutorial videos?
Thats exactly what i want my recordings to sound like, and who better to learn from than the person who actually made it. It is ridiculously amazing to me. As soon as i heard the first kick, my mouth went :OMG:
This sounds better and better every time I listen. I will pay anything to learn how to get these sounds
This sounds better and better every time I listen. I will pay anything to learn how to get these sounds

First off, I'd say go to school for audio engineering & production. Barring that, hover around this forum and start assembling and mixing tracks that people have put up here for practice! That won't cost you a dime if you've already got some basic equipment...
I did do an audio engineering course, and earned a diploma, but they just teach you about audio and whatnot, and wasnt directed towards heavy music. Here is my soundcloud so you can hear what my recordings currently sound like. I like the way they sound, but when I listen to them, they dont have the jaw drop effect which this track just did.
Courses in University doesn't really usually teach you to mix this kind of music, but in they teach u the general idea of how to mix which will probably be helpful for every style.
The drum kick he uses is pretty easy to achieve a very punchy and fat sound with. Usually u just need to scoop out a lot of mid freqs and boost the lows and high a bit. Its also a good idea to put GClip, MaxxBass and compressor but thats not really necessary. I listened to your "Nevada Breakdowns" track and it sounded pretty good. You have a nice guitar tone but u need to work on your drums, sounds like u use Superior Drummer which is a big no no on this forum :p
That kick sounds similar to kick 5, I know you said it was kick 10 but I couldn't find that nice clicky sound in it. And awesome recording and band been jammin it all day.
That kick sounds similar to kick 5, I know you said it was kick 10 but I couldn't find that nice clicky sound in it. And awesome recording and band been jammin it all day.

thanks dude, and thanks everyone for the kind words. its definitely kick 10, but i mean some MAJOR MAJOR processing done to it, i did it a while back in an outside session, and then i can just bring it in and tune it to the recording.

also, as far as mastering, its pretty straightforward, nothing too crazy.
SSL Comp > VCC > Kramer Master Tape > C4 > Alloy 2 (nothing crazy) > T-Racks Clipper

i also will say i've never spent a day in a classroom learning recording techniques, and i'm proud of it, but honestly, i wish i had gone to school for it.
Look like a pretty nice mastering chain but shouldn't u have a limiter after the clipper? And is Alloy 2 better than Ozone?