

What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
Is there a clear cut definition of what makes an alcoholic? Someone who cannot function without being drunk? Someone who doesn't drink every day but when they do they get three sheets to the wind every time? Etc.

I used to say if you drink to eliminate a hangover you're an alcoholic, but I've seen light drinkers do the hair of the dog in the morning and they certainly aren't addicted.

One of my old roommates used to drink a 12 pack every night, but he didn't drink throughout the day so even though he was definitely a drunk (annoying as FUCK too), I'm not sure if he was definitely an alcoholic.

I'm just curious (and no I don't think I have a problem, compared to my college days I'm practically sXe :loco: ).
My definition is someone who drinks one drink, and then must keep drinking until they are totally sloshed- thus they are not in control of themselves once alcohol passes their lips.

Otherwise I drink 2 beers or a doble whisky everyday- and some days much more.
yes ... someone who reeks of booze.
had a coworker once that was so out of control that he literally sweated beer. the dude was fucked up all the time. he had some major issues.

altough i do think that if you "must" drink every day ... you are on the way.
well there are 2 definitions for alcoholic. one who is addicted, or one who just habitually uses. i was the latter for like the first year after i turned 21. i got drunk almost every day (like maybe 2-3 sober nights in a month). you cant really be an alcoholic until you're at least 22 or 23 though. before that you have an excuse.
neal said:
you cant really be an alcoholic until you're at least 22 or 23 though.

I've sat here for 3 minutes trying to come up with something to add besides :lol: but I can't so I won't.
speed said:
My definition is someone who drinks one drink, and then must keep drinking until they are totally sloshed- thus they are not in control of themselves once alcohol passes their lips.
That's like me on a night out...and despite what some people say I am definately no alcy!

I'd say it's someone who's physically dependant on alcohol - unless it's flowing through their veins, they can't function.