AlexB CLC Pro Released!!!! whoo

I am Indonesian people, how can i purchase that without pay pal account.

and also purchase nebula

btw great comparison ermz, waiting for the balanced comparison

nice job AlexB!
Wow the Nebula ssl walks all over the Waves in this. The waves almost seems like its adding some low mids as well and is kinda making in muddy or a bit cloudy if you will. The Nebula ssl version is clean as fuck and sounds so sick! What did you do here as far as eq, like just one band boost on both in the same freq?
Thanks for your time doing this, Ermin.

To be honest I was expecting a bigger difference in favour of the Nebula stuff, but I think the Waves plugins are doing a fine work overall...
Referring to the last comparison, I think I prefer the E-Channel on the kick and Nebula on OHs and snare (it seems to bring out a bit more the snare decay, but I may be wrong).
I'm listening through shitty headphones anyway.

One last thing: what happens if you run a sine-wave through the Waves E-Channel? Does it add harmonics like Nebula or is clear? I'm curious to know if the E-Channel is just a "digital" eq or has some non-linear stuff into it...
Ermin's nebula clips are definitely a bit smoother and I can tell a difference now, hearing more familiar source material. Its very tight though, i've definitely got a lot more worries when it comes to audio than this at the moment. From a pro perspective though this could be the new gold.
I did a quick comparison between the Waves E-Channel EQ and the AlexB CLQ EQ.

They react quite differently on the drums, even with identical settings.

On lead vox: EQ Shoot-out/Javi - Nebula 4K.wav EQ Shoot-out/Javi - Waves 4K.wav EQ Shoot-out/Javi - Millennia Origin.wav

On kick & snare: EQ Shoot-out/KickSnare - Nebula 4K.wav EQ Shoot-out/KickSnare - Waves 4K.wav

I probably should have tried to match them by ear because it seems either the Waves or AlexB don't correspond to the right scale. The Waves will sound more 'correct' here because the mix was actually done with it, but I guess it shows you what the AlexB is capable of all the same. Listen for how less abrasive the high-end is, even though the mid-bass on the snare is out of control.

Is waves 4K removed ?
^ I renamed those clips. Check the OP!

@Hades: Yeah, to be honest I was hoping for a bit more of an audible end difference here too. In other cases Nebula has been far and beyond better, but here I would consider the Waves e-Chan pretty much useful. I guess there's a reason it's my workhorse channel strip. One thing I will say though is that they do definitely sound different when you solo the tracks. The plug-in seems very strong around the 2k area and any high boosts seem to really bring it forward... it's a real flat sort of presence, not at all analogue-like. The highs *are* marginally better and more airy on the Nebula version. Check the overheads for this. I boosted 4dB at 10kHz for both, so you should be able to hear a difference.

Over the course of an entire mix I think there's enough there to add up for a benefit, but really if you want convenience and something good for workflow, there is no worry with sticking to the Waves SSL. This sort of justifies my heavy use of that plug-in.

I wish I could do another saturation vs ITB shoot-out but that kinda thing takes ages and I CBF.

What we need is for a developer like Softube or whatever to just make a great UI for an SSL strip and cram Nebula under the hood, perhaps with some algorithmic randomizations per-instance to approximate electronic variances between channels. Then use their own algorithmic compressor, which they seem to be good at. The combination of the two would be ace, and the workflow would be much better than the clunky thing Nebula presently is.
There is actually a plugin called AcquaVox, which is "Powered By Nebula" and I'm hoping to see more stuff like that to come out...

The problem is: is buggy as hell on my system (Cubase Studio 4 on an Intel I7 950), after four or five instances it starts to crash the shit out of my DAW... too bad because it seems a cool plugin...