Alexi Accident

c) So I can be just like Alexi one day!

so you can fuck yourself and take your shit away...

children of COB said:
Actually the Downfall solo requires knee for me But f.e. Sixpounder's first solo (I can't play the second one ) it's ok withouth putting the guitar on my knee, and for a solo like LDB's with the diminished sweeps all along the fretboard is actually kinda uncomfortable cos you have to rise the right hand quite a bit for the first sweeps. But that's just me.

Right...BTW If you want to talk about guitar, cob or something else...i would like to ask you some questions...take my MSN if you want(again :p )

It is a big lie, he plays the Downfall solo without putting it on his knee.
Bella li... :D
Ormi non ci credo più ai coglioni che infamano alexi
┼Victim of the Night┼;7892599 said:
Manco Warheart e io, ci crediamo più. Lasciala perdere, certa gente. :)

(ps: ti informo solo che i moderatori vogliono solo inglese, in questi On Topic threads, quindi non sgarrare o ti assalgono!)

Ci crediamo sgarrare ti threads, che i Warheart. Crediamo lasciala certa questi. O quindi ai ai calzone!
Ci crediamo sgarrare ti threads, che i Warheart. Crediamo lasciala certa questi. O quindi ai ai calzone!

Haha, Ensi, that made like NO sense at all... :lol: ...I couldn't even get what you were gonna say at first!

Nice try anyway, but stop using online translators, they can betray your hopes... XD *jokes* :)
Translate the words to english please:lol: I always have a good chuckle at these:lol:
Hmm, well ok, I'll try to.

So, you wrote this:
Ci crediamo sgarrare ti threads, che i Warheart.
Crediamo lasciala certa questi. O quindi ai ai calzone!
Should be something like:

We believe that being caught makes you threads, that the Warhearts ones.
We believe you leave those certain. Or so to to trousers!

...omg. :goggly:
Total lie.

He did hurt his shoulder sometime before or after Blooddrunk, but it did no permanent damage. And he did it bowling, drunk.

Plus, he's been doing that pose for ages. And it's just that, a pose.


And he was not drunk, nor was I for once.

He solos like that a lot but not always. It will remain an Allu mystery why ;)

And he was not drunk, nor was I for once.

He solos like that a lot but not always. It will remain an Allu mystery why ;)

My mistake, I apologize. And thanks for the clarification. :)

I definitely don't mind when he solos like that, in my opinion it's pretty cool. I just was trying to point out that it wasn't because he had to or anything.

But it looks like that's one mystery that may never be revealed, haha.
