Alexi guitar picks

Rock Hydra said:
Um...Where do you think you're at? like the Battleheart forum or something?
Time to get over it.

I bet he joined the forum today, as that was his first post. And now he thinks he is tr00 1337 and ungay because he said that..
MistressOfTheDark said:

he wears nail polish and eyeliner... that is manly?

I say that alexi uses razorblades as picks, cause he's more hardcore than any of you

no he isnt...

Ow man sorry im a noob or what ever the fuck.I just like talkin about my favourite band and guitars i just thought i could strike up a conversation! So because i havnt been a member for as long or posted as many times as you that makes me less of a fan?
Alexi was right some of you guys are just fuckin nerds.You slag people off because they dont spend as much time on the net as you.
In your face and JD 18 thanks for the pointers and info. I asked because i wanted to know what Alexi's preference to guitar picks is thats all.

your a newb because u want to be a fanboy, and use your hero's pick instead of finding what is most comfortable for you.

Clayton polymers are the best picks ever!

I like good ol 1.14 gator grips