Alexi guitar VID.

Damn Roope's guitar is so cool , that satin varnish and those crosses on frets.... It's way better that Alexi's, and I think Roope's better guitarist then Allu, he's playing is much cleaner.
BodomiC said:
Youre talking about Roope Latvala from Sinergy? that dvd YGM video???

Gonna go out on a limb here but have'nt really listened to sinergy. Got caught on Bodom just over six months ago. The vid is with Alexi playing for the Young Guitarist video. Roope really seems to be in the for front of axe kicking any words of advice on Sinergy, which albums and so on. BE NICE!! :lol:

ps. Is this guy even better than young God Alexi? Looks to be... *OUCH*

(third edit=no more wine)
Suicide By My Side is the best, but other 2 kick ass also, so get all of them, I'm sure you will like it. Get the mp3 sample of I Spit on Your Grave from and you will buy an album tomorrow :)
BodomiC said:
Roope Latvala was for a long baunch of time Alexi giuitar teacher, so thats why they have same guitars, almost the same :), same studio racks on so on the playing style...

Now we are talking! So Roope is like... 35? What is his schooling? Background, other bands? He is amazingly fast, looks like "clean" picks too, some of Alexies riffs tend to be slighlty sloppy (don't get me wrong I would donate organs to play like him!).

ps. Isn't this fun with an actual band realted topic???
yeahn it is, anyway roope is 33 now, he was born June 25th of 1970, and hes a great guitar player who defenetly feels the metal raw razor... :rock: Besides he isbetter then Alexi, cuz hes more expirienced and, mainly, hes older, he plays longer and so on.

Take a look at his autograph :D


Take some lesson about him, and look for his guitar pics here on forum within the oldest threads :D
Well here is the BOMB!

Why isn't he in COB? Alexi afraid he'd steal his shine? In another band? Got tired of the long road to success? God knows it would be great with another solo guitarist of Mr. Alexi's Caliber. :notworthy
hehehe, Alexi was to "short" to ask him I think, when the cob were forming, but Im trully happy that heppened that heppened :D Alexander can kick ass as much as Aluu does each gig.

But the supreme fenomen of Roopa tapping is extrordinary, unique and amazing... So easy, so simple, but bone crushing and ass spanking...
Yeah I was albe to play it a coupe of months ago, but as all, I forget everythuing too quick...

But the best Roope solo part is the first part of The Sin Trade and of Violated, these are the solos that kick major arses...
Mammoth said:
Why isn't he in COB?

Hmm. I'll try to tell you as much as I can.

Well, Roope was in a band called Stone in the late '80's/early '90's. They were kind of the first ones to bring finnish thrash/heavy metal into peoples awareness. And so "little" Alexi liked this band a lot and so Roope became one of his guitar idols. Much later happened, that Children of Bodom had gotten quite what famous, and Alexi had formed Sinergy with Kimberly. After the first Sinergy album the band took some turns, which lead to changing drummer, guitarist and bassist. And so Alexi thought he'd finally get the courage to ask Roope to join them. And so he did. In the meanwhile, Roope had played guitar for a finnish hard rock band called Waltari. He has now quit that band and after Tonmi Lillman left Sinergy, they managed to drag the Waltari drummer to Sinergy also.

Hmm. There's some info. I hope you can get even some idea of what has happened.
Extendar said:
Hmm. I'll try to tell you as much as I can.

...much later happened, that Children of Bodom had gotten quite what famous, and Alexi had formed Sinergy with Kimberly.

So let's see if I get this right!! Alexi was(read is) in COB they were getting somewhat famous. He then formes a "second" band that ends up kicking out people because of what not. Roope joins. COB is still famous getting more so each year. Sinergy hasn't produced much in the last year(s) and Roope doesn't join???? What am I missing here?

It is my beliefe that Roope, Janne, Alexi could produce some of the finest lead solos EVER created, I am not saying boot Alexandar, no not at all!!! He rocks but I still don't get it if COB surpasses Sinergy then what gives?? Roopa for vice-president!!

Ralf said:
I'm proud of you Mammoth , I think you deserved a rep point.

:lol: back@you!! :D
Budy Roppe is a great guy himself, Im little aware, but Ill say that Sinegry kick ass more live than cob... For that Ive heard, and watched, cuz Ive never been given a chance to see cob or sinergy live, cob seems to be lil' more static because the main lead guitarist is only one. Sinergy provides two of them, so there is more solos, and more passages during simple vocal line...

But thats my opinion, depends who likes what better... :)
@ Mammoth:

Hmm. I'm not sure if I understood what you meant, but I'll try to explain something. Roope joined Sinergy after their first album, because for some reason Jesper (Strömblad, from In Flames) quit the band. And after that Roope quit his other band, Waltari. Now they are making albums whenever Alexi has time from CoB. So, CoB comes always first and so on. I guess that when CoB is done with this HCD tour, they'll take some time and Alexi will go to studio with Sinergy. Or something like that.

Roope has a couple of projects and the names of those you can find on the Sinergy site. He has also done some session playing for different bands like To/Die/For and such. If I remember correct, that info is too on the Sinergy site.