I also think the problem is the food ...I doubt it was dehydration. More likely spicy food + ulcer.
I also think the problem is the food ...I doubt it was dehydration. More likely spicy food + ulcer.
There's been pretty many COB headlining concerts cancelled during the years, mainly due to Alexi's health. I think there was only one exception, when Roope was severely hungover. It's gotta be even a worse feeling for Alexi than the crowd when the show has to be cancelled.
Make up for it with a live DVD... If it's a good live DVD, it will boost the ticket sales. If it's bad, it will not. And right now the set is very good - and I'd suspect the band wants to have a live DVD of their best live performances since the old days, when they're old, so they can look back with something better than crappy youtube videos. Here's a list of songs they should play for it:
Deadnight Warrior
Silent Night
Bodom After Midnight
Children of Decadence
Everytime I Die
Living Dead Beat
Shovel Knockout
Halo of Blood
Scream for Silence
All Twisted
I hope the band takes this suggestion and makes it happen. Remember, lots of fog and good light themes, and instead of Alexi's ego trip use more serious passages with lots of atmospheric horror-samples, some of that stuff's been really good. For an epic live DVD this is very important. Also a very interesting intro; the RRF intro was really nice, as well as that atmospheric techno intro used a year ago. A lot of climax can be created with the order of songs of course - don't rush straight on stage with a cut version of Transference. One suggestion I have is Chokehold for opening track, and finish the song without the last "chokehold till the end... fuck yeaaah" vocals, instead proceed shortly into the next song (maybe Warheart) to create tension. Another excellent option would be Children of Decadence (full song) for opening track, as long as Alexi delivers on the vocal side with ridiculous amounts of malevolent energy.
you really think you are that good and influencial that the band will hear your suggestion? and you really think you are some kind of visionary, like a dude that feels the music better than anyone else here in the forum? always with the lame cliche talk about the atmospheric trees and shit, like if you were gifted and we are all amazed with your vision, wishing we could appreciate music like you do and we should be thankful by your opinions. alexi is in the hospital and your worries are that they make a live dvd under your visionary suggestion. what a doucheuke:
get well alexi, thats what matters!
That's him, he's always been that way and it doesn't hurt anyone. You insulting him though, that's more of a douche attitude. I don't agree with Joonas most of the time (if ever) but I think is worse when someone attacks him for begin himself.
Stop fucking whining
Getting ready for the last show here in Heavy MTL, Montreal.
Alexi is back in business.
Also, 20000 likes is something I have to be thankful. A HUGE thank you to all of you!!!
If my memory isn't failing, this is a message board for discussion... Nobody believed my visions of a COB album would come true, but then many of the elements came true with Halo of Blood, with the wintery lake and forest, the more atmospheric soundworld, the catchiness over technicality. I'm not saying my opinion is better than theirs... but I think it would make a more interesting release if they decided to play other interesting songs instead of overused ones like Needled, HCDR, Hate Me...
At some point the band needed soul searching as they weren't capitalizing on the great artistic theme they created in the past. Now it's on a satisfying level (with extremely high expectations) and I just want to give minor ideas that could make a difference in my opinion... I think the band wants to hear opinions from passionate fans? If I talked to Alexi I'd tell him the same things: "make the DVD, use the atmospheric samples, play songs like Children of Decadence and Chokehold instead of certain other songs, don't hesitate to do it cos it would be great, the iron is hot right now so grab the hammer." You want your live DVD to be perfect, cos that's what will remain as memory of your live action for ages.
The act they had at Wacken 2012 was terrible (Alexi was tired, setlist was too regular), it would be so sad if they recorded the DVD back then and not now with the refreshed form. Back a couple years ago I had to be aggressive and "tell them what to do" cos they had the ability but the passion was gone. Now there's passion and I just say "hey what if you do this little change and it could spice things up". I'm actually excited now, not frustrated.
There's a hundred different variations they could do to make a very interesting setlist, so one has to wonder why stick to certain formulas such as using Downfall always as the ending track, why not try it as the third or fourth track and leave all the humour and passages out of the song. I think it's very entertaining to think of different variations for the setlist like it's a puzzle. It's the unseen, voiceless spirit that's created with the chemistry of different songs leading from one to another.
If I was an artist with many good releases and someone came to tell me how it's wrong, I would tell him to fuck off and do something better himself before giving me advices. So I understand where nunofrg is coming from. But I believe in my ideas, I'm a passionate guy when it comes to art, and I have an extremely passionate vision of this music and it was just suggestions from a friend, like philosophic discussion. I admit, back some time ago I wanted to shake Alexi and tell him to wake the fuck up and take the lake, forest, atmosphere, horror and original energy back into the music, with the risk of him telling me to fuck off... which must sound hilarious to Alexi as I'm not even a musician, but I think music is voice of the soul.
just seeing a post with ur name on it already makes me go "facepalm" and i think many people have the same thing. no offense
Now we got an explanation about Alexis injury: gallstones, so nothing to do with excessive drinking. Source:
Gall stones this time... they should be pretty painful. I wonder if this occurred before or if it's new. Last time it was the ulcer. How can all this always happen to Alexi and nobody else...
Man, this happens to millions of people in the
It is my understanding that he's quite a self centered individual who's posts are driven by the need for attention and admiration. Or so it seems. I don't care if his ideas are good or not, a guy was hospitalized and in agony, and this other guy manages to make this thread his own by posting some fucking ideas that he personally would please to see for his own pleasure. That's pretty sick if you ask me...