Alexi Lahio an Death


Nov 30, 2003
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the other day, having nothing to do, i started thinking:what would it sound like if Alexi Laiho joined Death's lineup from The Sound Of Perseverance, filling in chucks shoes, maybe the guitars wouldnt be as technical or wild but the attitude would probably still be there! what do you think?
I don't understand why he only did vocals on that gig. It would have been so great to hear him play Chuck's solos.
Schuldiner was unique that's true....
RIP :worship:

However, in response to "Even Jesus couldn't fill Chuck's shoes", I've gotta say: Why *should* some complete nutjob, who lived 2000 year ago and whose followers have killed thousands of people in his name and still brainwash people today, fill the shoes of a great death metal musician or any great person anyway?;);)
^ :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Get a life, really. I don't know since when it's 'cool' to bash Jesus, especially with such retarded comments you usually make. If you don't care to follow (I don't), fine, but at least have some respect for other people who do.

Aside from that, yes, I do agree Chuck was irreplaceable.

Edit: I meant to address obviously SR~VE, not Seldomlaid. And yeah, we shouldn't discuss that here, but it's annoying to hear the same nonsense blabber. Who can talk about double standards now?
Sure, here's what you want to hear: I think it's cool to bash Jesus because all the cool goth kids do.
Except not.

Some people obviously think it's super cool to bash me, but ....whatever:rolleyes:
*Sigh* If you hate Jesus or not, that's your problem (same with religious fanatics) but you have to learn to respect other people's opinions whether you like them or not.
I'm not 'hellbent' on flaming you or anything you think in particular, even if I don't agree most of the times. It's just that sometimes it's impossible not to answer when you word your comments the immature way you do. I guess I shouldn't look at the idiotic things you write to start with.
Finally, I still stand by what I say: YEAH, do get a life.
I never said I didn't respect other people's opinions -and my "Jesus comment" was not meant to be taken so seriously- but whatever :rolleyes:

And with the "wording my comments" thing: English is my 4th language and I admit that I don't speak it things sometimes don't come out exactly the way I mean them...IF that's what you mean.
I think it would work better if Roope joined them to play Chucks parts, but Chuck is indeed irriplacable.

I like the earlier albums better than Sound of Perseverance, btw. Scream Bloody Gore is total pwnage asskickzzzorssah!
SR~VE said:
I never said I didn't respect other people's opinions -and my "Jesus comment" was not meant to be taken so seriously- but whatever :rolleyes:

And with the "wording my comments" thing: English is my 4th language and I admit that I don't speak it things sometimes don't come out exactly the way I mean them...IF that's what you mean.

No, he's definetly right actually. You're wording is fine. The reasoning behind your opinions is gay.

SpeedPowerShred said:
the other day, having nothing to do, i started thinking:what would it sound like if Alexi Laiho joined Death's lineup from The Sound Of Perseverance, filling in chucks shoes, maybe the guitars wouldnt be as technical or wild but the attitude would probably still be there! what do you think?

That is by far the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Chuck Schuldiner's attitude was so unimitable...first of all, Alexi would probably be mortal enough to suggest using different equipment, hence different tone. THIS COULD NOT HAPPEN. The tone on that album was precisely the right tone. Now, even if Laiho were to imitate the tone exactly, the attitudes are nearly polar opposites. The only similarity is technicality. While Children of Bodom's music is what you'd call "extremely flamboyant," Chuck's mastery was that of playing little yet expressing TONS. There is minimal harmonization on The Sound of Perseverance, right? Now, harmonizing is great - when not overabused to the point of redundancy. Alexi does exactly that. Chuck, when he takes the time out to harmonize, he does it carefully, where it will actually contribute something instead of making annoying wankery noises. Also, Alexi's soloing (and songwriting) is extremely redundant - overused neoclassical stuff that we've all heard a million times before. Chuck, on the other hand, had no knowledge of theory. While a detriment to many (and you can see where it would have helped tons on earlier albums) this enabled him to create his own tonality, which can be found on each album, particularly on Perseverance actually. He had his own, extremely distinctive style to writing and soloing, something that Alexi has not come close to. And finally, even though it's not what you wanted to include, Alexi was far from the guitarist Chuck was.