Alexi Laiho interview film


New Metal Member
May 15, 2007
Hello, does anyone have that video-interview from provinssirock in 2001 or something, where Alexi and others are in afterparty and a red-haired women interviews them. I need this video to my presentation from C.O.B :lol: If you have that video or you know where I can watch or download it, tell me please. Sry my bad english too.. :erk:
Thanks dude that was really fast, but i didnt found how i can / watch or download this. Is this free of prize ?
thanks, now my presentation is ready, thanks for you! But in same topic i could ask you some other video. I have seen it long time ago, but I remember that there is Alexander and Alexi talking, maybe year 2001, they speeks in finnish, drinks beer in somewhere backstage. It is about 10 minutes long, and they are sitting at the edge of table. Thanks if you find this video for me.