Alexi passed away

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Fucking hell, this came out of nowhere. I can't even begin to explain how much I owe to him and his music. I can follow so much of my life, through chain reactions or whatever, back to hearing him and Bodom for the first time. I hope he knew how much he meant to everyone. Rest in peace.
I don't know what to say.
Alexi's music has been such a big part of me for so many years and it helped me through some tough times. If it weren't for him I would not have been the guitar player I am today, and I wouldn't have found out how dedicated I can be if I really want something.
Your memory and music will live on in me and thousands of fans.

Thank you Alexi, Rest In Peace.
Man I had a sinking feeling this might happen after seeing him in the last tour. My biggest influence. RIP.
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Máté from Alestorm:



Doesn't come as huge shock for those of us who have been saying that something wasn't right with his health. Still, way too soon for him to go, and too sudden. He was sounding optimistic in that last interview and it was contagious, it seemed like he still had lots of music to offer. What a shame. This is incredibly sad.

RIP. Condolences to his family and friends.
i really wish we could find out what his actual health problems were, it has been obvious he was struggling with something for years but it has always remained a mystery. the only hint we got was about the ulcer but honestly who knows if that was even the real reason he was in the hospital. he and everyone was always very tight lipped about it. but i sensed when i saw him on the last tour he looked like he could keel over at any moment. then he seemingly got healthy again and started look ok, gaining back his weight and i still knew he would not live past 50-60's but i was hoping we would have him at least until then. fuck.
I can't even imagine how devastated Daniel must be at this point.

He seemed super happy about the chance to play in CoB but then they broke up. Then he starts a new band with Alexi, who seemed to be a very good friend to him, and Alexi dies out of nowhere.

The official BAM Facebook Page (which I believe was mainly controlled by Daniel given his activity on social media) even posted 3 days ago how excited they are for 2021 and all the stuff that is coming.

Alexi was probably already dead when Daniel wrote this. This is so tragic.... Like..... damn.....
I can't even imagine how devastated Daniel must be at this point.

He seemed super happy about the chance to play in CoB but then they broke up. Then he starts a new band with Alexi, who seemed to be a very good friend to him, and Alexi dies out of nowhere.

The official BAM Facebook Page (which I believe was mainly controlled by Daniel given his activity on social media) even posted 3 days ago how excited they are for 2021 and all the stuff that is coming.

Alexi was probably already dead when Daniel wrote this. This is so tragic.... Like..... damn.....

Yes, that's what I meant too...
I’m gutted : (

My biggest musical influence and favourite guitarist. Those early albums motivated me to really buckle down and get better at guitar. I can still listen to them start to finish to this day enjoying every second.

He will be remembered! Its really nice to see so many famous musicians have stories about growing up listening to and being inspired by Bodom.
Shit. Really sad news. Other people have said Alexi's the reason they began playing guitar. I can't say that about myself (Began playing due to Metallica), but Alexi got me into melodic metal, he's the reason I have the guitar I now have, and he's probably my greatest musical influence too.

BAM will still release the music video, let's hope it's a good one.
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Devastating news guys. I guess all we can do is appreciate all the music he has given to us. I look forward to hearing the 1 or 2 songs he recorded with Bodom After midnight.
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