Alexi & Roope's Rack

And neither of the guys play with a Lee Jackson anymore.
Yes. I am bored.

Maybe this should be announced on the front page, so this forum wouldn't be filled with "sell me gp-1000 omgomgimfag!!!!!!111"-threads. But at least I would be proud for this site being more popular than eBay.
damn, wats wrong wif the new fans? There was a time when people went totally crazy posting 100s of page filled with useless questions when that guy posted here :lol:
holly shit what a tone they have live! best tone i ever heard... you guys sure he is using an engl head and not the gp-1000? if its the engl, which is it?
and btw im happy to noticed that alexi REALLY uses the emg alx!

Did you notice that at the show?

I've noticed it in pictures, but I wonder if he uses the ABQ or if he uses the ESP booster(MM04 I think)

It is a great pickup, I love mine. Thinking of getting rid of the ABQ, as I really just like passive tones and I never use the boost anyways. I put some gold screws in it to replace the 6 black one and it looks sick!!!
Did you notice that at the show?

I've noticed it in pictures, but I wonder if he uses the ABQ or if he uses the ESP booster(MM04 I think)

It is a great pickup, I love mine. Thinking of getting rid of the ABQ, as I really just like passive tones and I never use the boost anyways. I put some gold screws in it to replace the 6 black one and it looks sick!!!

yup i saw it in the show and it was definitely the emg alx. he only used the black and yellow and the pink one, and before he used the scythe and the black/white all the time. If you go to the emg website you see in the home page a picture of "advertising" of the pickup installed in the guitar. so if emg itself uses that pic you can really say its the emg alx there. so that yellow/black is definitely with the emg alx, the pink before had the seymour duncan ahb-1 as you know but now its for sure the alx.

surprisely i bet roope uses too.

and WOW henkka puts distortion on the bass? i just noticed that in the sound check..
Interesting, as Alexi keeps saying in interviews that he does use it still.

What a fucking liar!!! I bet his name isn't even Alexi Laiho :lol:

You're right there- Alexi Laiho is an entirely invented personage.

I know there is a thread for stupid questions, but here goes one.

Does it really matter so much exactly what BRAND of amp is used? Isn't the sound more related to how you turn the dials? I mean sure more shit equals more dials, but is the BRAND really so important?

Is this not just so much crap trying to approximate a moog? Why not just fork over all the cash at once and get a moog? Why buy new cheapass shit every album?

And don't try to sell me that 'it's a keyboard' shit because moog has some products out for guitar as of 2008. There's the Taurus 3 bass pedal out this year too.
you see that tape with the stickers? it is clearly meant to indicate that those dials always need to be in the specified position i.e. there is no reason to fuck with those dials unless you want to detune the guitar using only the amp

the effect of turning those dials is duplicated by other dials, but those taped dials will make massively larger changes to tone and tuning. If you only want to alter tone rather than pitch, you really want to change the dials last in line being plugged up.

basically, adding the poweramp to the preamp allows you to make very minute alterations to tone- each set of dials produces ever more minute alterations.

You should see what happens to Alexi when you turn the dials on his amp while he's playing ;D
Its like senseless shit everywhere i don't get if that Fat chick wants us to understand that crap or not
anche un boia della madonna io nn lo disdegno!..ho comunque qui è pieno di coglioni!! cazzo cerchi di parlare di una cosa seria e questi dio cane pensano solo alle stronzate....siete proprio dei coglioni io direi!!..
anche un boia della madonna io nn lo disdegno!..ho comunque qui è pieno di coglioni!! cazzo cerchi di parlare di una cosa seria e questi dio cane pensano solo alle stronzate....siete proprio dei coglioni io direi!!..:bah:
how does the vht power amp change tone of the preamp? must make a difference...

" The 2 amps are very different in their design.
The 2502 is the most versatile 2, with lamps fairly neutral, but "sing" Well, the EL34. It is also switchable Class A / AB.
The 2902 is designed for those who make a saturated from the preamp, the power amp only adding dynamics (circle in this case). The 2902 is primarily dedicated to all styles using a high level of saturation (Metal. ..) "
Class AB is actually 62 watts on the VHT 2502 while A being only 50. The 2902 is have the opposite solution, it can be turned down to 60 watt (which Alexi did on the AYDY tour). So if you get some good KT77 and load them into the VHT 2502 it would sound kind of the same as Alexi's 2902 loaded with kt88 and on low wattage.
But I've always thought that the Engl e840/50 must be the best poweramp for Alexi's sound (as used on FTR, to hell and back and suicide by my side and almost all the Sinergy tours). And that one is loaded with 6l6's which is kind of like the KT77 as well, more alike than any other EL34 or EL84 for that matter.
Never did like the stock tubes (I own the VHT 2502) it's some copy svetlana shit which is too trebly and sharp.