Alexi to be joined by 100 guitarists at Helsinki's Senate Square

If anyone's interested in the combination song thing (I combined the sections of the demo's to form something resembling a song) I can send it to you if you want. Just PM me. I have never sent any files here so, if it's possible, I can send it to you straight here, and if not, then I'll need an e-mail address or something.

First two sections sound pretty good and fit each other pretty well too. Definitely sound like parts of the same song. Part 3, 4 and 5 aren't as good IMO, and don't sound quite so much like they'd be from the same song. 1 & 2 bring to my mind the intro of Transference.

Ended up uploading the "song" into Dropbox so here's a link: ...AAR11Etp_DOiR4yroz8VVyfqVNUI9NzrVQ8fPsD262Ovw
Translate the booze out of it then :-D

We shall see if I have time at some point today. I'll try to not go so much over the limit as last time though. I've never EVER before written such amounts of such utter bullshit anywhere. I don't think I've ever even SAID such BS, though my friends tell me different from last Vappu. Personally I can't remember what I said back then.
We shall see if I have time at some point today. I'll try to not go so much over the limit as last time though. I've never EVER before written such amounts of such utter bullshit anywhere. I don't think I've ever even SAID such BS, though my friends tell me different from last Vappu. Personally I can't remember what I said back then.

Another drunk translation? :lol: please;)
Another drunk translation? :lol: please;)

Fine, you'll get it (But not yet). I'm not near as drunk as on monday so it won't be as bad. Probably it'll be pretty good actually. On monday I just went way overboard. Seriously. I didn't do a record or anything, but I've never drunk that much having eaten only one bread in the last 24 hours.
Fine, you'll get it (But not yet). I'm not near as drunk as on monday so it won't be as bad. Probably it'll be pretty good actually. On monday I just went way overboard. Seriously. I didn't do a record or anything, but I've never drunk that much having eaten only one bread in the last 24 hours.

A loaf of brad, or a slice brad?
Slice. Here's a picture:
(There's three on top of each other. I ate only one)

That's not right you should eat more and more often, or you will be as skinnier as the "hardcore" alcoholics or like Alexi,once he said in an interview that he don't like to eat. When you drink much you should eat. When I come home from a party I usually eat something because I just feel I want to eat something (not exactly hunger, but I think you get the point).
That's not right you should eat more and more often, or you will be as skinnier as the "hardcore" alcoholics or like Alexi,once he said in an interview that he don't like to eat. When you drink much you should eat. When I come home from a party I usually eat something because I just feel I want to eat something (not exactly hunger, but I think you get the point).

I usually eat too after drinking just to get a less bad hangover, but I was so drunk on monday I forgot! :D Happened before only last Vappu. Last Vappu was the worst hangover I've ever had. Still not as bad my friend who once had a two day hangover. He's said he just wanted to die on the first day and nearly puked every time he moved a muscle (He spent the whole day in bed). The next day was a "regular bad hangover". :D

OMG 400th post! I'm a drunk! YEAAAAAH!
This HGFH, maximally epic idea, who's idea was it?

This "Juhlaviiot" (Some Finnish organization or something. Party week if translated directly) had taken contact with my gig seller. I was at first like "What? This can't be true!". They explained it to me. I though it quickly through what all could go wrong. At that point I still had all Bodom stuff unwritten. It was a tough situation, but i decided it's such a cool idea that I must do it, who cares if it's a tough situation.

You knew it was going to be a hell of a hassle?

Yeah, I knew it was going to require a lot of work even before the event. There's a lot of promo and videos to do. I said it's okay, although Bodom is #1 priority. When I get it done, I won't do a break and I'll start doing this.

How many videos did you get?

Around 500.

You a leader/star louder than others?

Yeah, I play louder than others. There's me, and behind me the "core" band. One bassist, guitarist, drummer etc. who play. Then there's the sections each with 20 players, who play over that stuff. Each section has a leader. They follow the section leaders and me. I play my own stuff over all the rest.

That's pretty much all the important stuff.