Alexi's choice !

the word you're looking for is gauge. string gauge refers to its thickness. :)

they had a write-up in guitar world a few months back about him and they said he uses 11s. the brand it listed was DR if you were wondering about that, too.
8's - jesus man.

i just switched to 9's and i dont like them, so im goin back to 10's i use 11's for C tuning.

I have 12-56 on my ESP EC-1000 (tuned ½-step lower) and I'm planning to change them to 13-56 with replaced G-string (.022).

And on my Ibanez RG-7 (normal tuning) I have 10-62 and I'm planning to change top three strings to 11-18. So it would custom 7-string set 11-62.

Lady Hamer (tuned ½-step lower): 11-49, the low string are too wobbly and that sucks. Planning to change them to 12-52 with replaced G-string (.020).

Yes, I know I'm on a planning phase and light string gauges are for pussies :D
Hey fatmrcrab, mixing string sizes ona FR guitar will fuck it up bad, you won't be able to intoneate it for shit, at least that what happened with my buddies RG-7.