Alexi's guitar Floyd rose setup

he has three springs.. two are setup straight, the third one (the bottom one) is installed diagonally, so its like this:
1 2 3
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -
- - -

Hope you understand the crap diagram, lol
it supposedly improves the feel... but it may cause intonation problems.
I set up my RR with a normal (well,its not a normal trem but its not a Floyd eather) trem like Alexi and Roope(thats who Alexi got the idea from) and I didn't notised any different between the normal way and their way,but then again I was using the wrong kind of trem arm for my trem and its not a FR eather:p
Also,if anyone wants,I have a scan from a mag. from Japan that shows the front and back of Alexi's Wild Child guitar and Roope's Black guitar,you can't read 80% of the text (unless you can speak/read Jap:tickled:) but you can read what is in each of their rigs!
Sympozium said:
Upload that scan on the boards dude! :)

How do I upload it to the board? I could upload it on my yahoo picture folder and then post it but yahoo has a tendency to crap out after too many people try to view the picture/thread:ill:
Ahhhaaa...I was just going to stick it in my Yahoo folder but then I remembered that yahoo changes the size of the picture,you guys wouldn't be able to see/read anything:erk:
yup it is :D

But theres one thing more, cuz floyd is setuped in 5 "spring places" Lets take'em like (beggining from violin e) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Which springs are straight an which is diagonally?
ok i'll try and do a diagram for this again :)

Alexi's spring setup

1,2,3,4 and 5 are the spring placements... the diagonal spring goes from 4 to 5. The diagram I did is what it would look like if you stood the guitar up on a stand, with the back facing you, hope this makes sense :)