Alice Cooper. DRAGONTOWN


Apr 13, 2001
Finally!! DRAGONTOWN arrived in the mail today. And although I havn't had much time to listen to it, initial impressions are... not so good. :cry:

For the majority of tracks, think mid-paced to slow songs like Eat Some More, Gimmie and Cold Machines. (my three least favourite from Brutal Planet)
However I've been told Gimmie rocks, so I may be missing something :err:

This album has no Wicked Young Man, no Blow Me A Kiss, no Brutal Planet, Pick Up The Bones or Sancturay.
Which is strange, because these are the songs that made up the Brutal Planet live set. I don't know why, but someone has told Alice that 'heavy' means slow - it does not.

It has it's moments, and some of the songs are quite good in their own right.

Triggerman is pretty close to The Little Things, but no where near as fast or heavy.

The title track Dragontown is good. It's slow, but seems to work well. It's great chorus certainly helps.

Disgraceland see's Alice returning to his Elvis impersonations, al la Slick Black Limousime from the old days. Pretty cool.

Every Women Has A Name is a nice ballad, in more the style of 'It's Me' than anything from Brutal Planet.
I just Wanna Be God and It's Much Too Late are probably some of the best tracks. Neither are really anything like 'Brutal', probably feeling more at home on Trash or Hey Stupid.

Eric Singer is sadly missing on most tracks. :cry:

As I said, first impressions are not too good. This is not Brutal Planet part 2, nor is it heavier or 'more brutal' as we were led to believe. Although I believe a lot of the songs have the potential to grow on me, I doubt this will stay in continual rotation like Brutal Planet did for so many months.
I've got to say that I've been listening to it while I typed that, and it's already getting better. :)
:lol: Drisgraceland is cool! :headbang:

btw - Alice knew Elvis apparently, so he can take the piss out of him if he wants. Besides, I'm sure Alice and The King have been discussing this song at Burger King in florida anyway.;)
I've read in the liner noes that the album was originally produced. mixed, engineered and arranged by Bob Marlette.

Then it was later re-mixed by someother group.

I guess this could explain the albums delay, and possible explain why the brutality was removed from some tracks.

I've got to say though, I'm listening to it now on a real stereo rather than in my car or on the computer, and it's sounding much better.

I just love talking to myself ;)
Sydo, you went from making me feel let down, to making me feel excited in the space of 3 posts. Impressive. :D

I actually love eat some mroe and gimme (it DOES rock, wake up to yourself man!!) Anyways, this means utopia will have it and also they will probably have the new hair of the dog one......another trip to utopia is in the wings methinks.
It's Much Too Late is 100% classic Alice. This song could easily find itself on an album like Billion Dollar Babies.
Is that a good thing? Depends what sort of Alice fan you are I suppose.

'tis getting better still. :)
Well if you like Eat Some More and Gimmie, you'd probably prefer the first half of the album.
Well, brutal planet is the best alice album ive heard and one of my favourite albums from last year, and dragontown would have to be damn good to be near the greatness of that. But now I have lowered expectations, it may just surprise me with its goodness. If you see what I mean :)
Sash from Metal Mayhem said it was pretty average.....I was gonna buy it there but they'd sold out. So I bought Brucey, Opeth and Death CDs instead. ;)

The two or three songs I've heard don't sound too bad. Yeah I can't see it coming anywhere near Brutal Planet, but it could be a grower all the same, from the sounds of it. I'm going to Indonesia on Wednesday so I'll have to pick it up least it'll be cheaper over there. There isn't an Australia-only bonus track on this one, like there was on BP is there?

Brutal Planet is my favourite Alice album of recent times, though I love the old stuff as well. As long as the songs are good, I'm happy!

And Gimme is a cool song!
I *still* haven't got the fucking thing!!

Why do I keep going to Leading Edge? Why? WHY?

Thanks for the opinions on it guys. I've heard the title track and thought it was pretty good. Alice is still a master of wordplay, and as for the music, I tend to prefer his more mid-paced stuff. For a man of his age to do an album full of fast n' frantic songs is just a teeny bit silly IMHO.

Track 2, Deeper, sounded faugly familier.

The drum beat at the start is identical to Brutal Planet, and the chorus is basically too. You could quite easily sing 'It's such a Brutal Planet, It's such an ugly world' over the top of it.

Not that Deeper is a bad song though..:loco:
Popped down to the record store here in Bandung today, but dang drats damnit, it doesn't appear to be out here yet. Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait a few months. No more gigs for a year either!! :(
Originally posted by Winmar
I guess I'll have to wait a few months. No more gigs for a year either!! :(

Going to Indonesia must really suck. :cry:

Got it yesterday, and although it still needs a few listens before I can get into it properly, I quite like it so far. Just as Alice intended, it's very much a companion album to Brutal Planet.

"Disgraceland" is the first song that's made me laugh out loud since "Nodding Donkey Blues." Very witty Mr Furnier, very witty... :D