Alien Abductions.... in search of truth?


Mar 2, 2002
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What do you people think about this subject? Have you thought about the possibility of extraterrestrial entities influencing us humans down here on earth?
Has maybe "In search of truth" got you into it in the first place?

Do you think it's only a "nice concept" that Tom has made up or do these things really happen to him; do you think it likely he being a "victim of alien abduction"? (does he talk about this in interviews - I've not come across anything as of yet)

-- And then.... does it always have to be traumatic or negative an experience as he certainly makes it sound?

What is your opinion? Who of you is also being abducted? ;)
I think it's a nice concept, but I see some of the lyrics in a completly other (very personal) way. I know that they are not ment to be like this, but I don't care :)

About the subject itself: In my opinion there are many other life forms out there, and maybe they visit us. But Abduction? I am not too sure, you here many stories, but some of them seem to be way to strange. But that doesn't mean that they aren't real, right?

Anyone ever seen an UFO/extraterrestrial starship? I am not sure what I have seen, but it was definetly very strange; Three lightballs, somehow linked, that came damn fast through the clouds, surrounded a churchtower and then disappeared as fast as they came. Don't know what it was, but it scared me somehow. Any idea?
Originally posted by Madrigal
Do you think it's only a "nice concept" that Tom has made up or do these things really happen to him;

I thought it was just an idea he got from that book he had read...... Communion by Whitley Strieber.!?
Originally posted by Gaunerin

I thought it was just an idea he got from that book he had read...... Communion by Whitley Strieber.!?

Ah... that would make sense then. I have only seen the film Communion (well, based on that book) - pretty impressive!
The amazing expression in Tom's voice would make one believe he really went through a lot of dramatic experince in this sense though.

Generally, I guess one must be rather closed-minded to assume we are the only living beings in this vast universe but whether or not they seek contact with us or are already influencing us in some ways.... is of course open for discussion!

Personally, I think there is *something*. A lot more than meets the eye. We visited Billy Meier's FIGU centre just recently and got shown the most amazing pictures of UFOs - literally hundreds of them.... and surely REAL (they were obviously OLD pictures from a time when Photoshop and the like didn't exist, they have also been proven as being genuine many times).
I've also seen many strange things in the sky myself (although there's always a thousand explanations which our rational minds try to find) but love there to be this mystery about it --- maybe one day we'll know?!

The subject surely gave some good inspiration for a great album! :)