alien vs predator


Feb 25, 2002
now this is one movie that i'm really looking forward to, beeing a huge fan of all the orginal films.

sadly though i'm half expecting to feel thoroughly dissapointed after having seen it. what i fear is that the production company will throw in a good looking girl (i've seen a black girl in the trailer that fits all too well that goes by the name "alexa 'lex' woods" :yell: ) in order to, as they see it, attract some of the male audience and at the same time make that bimbo into an independant girl capable of disposing of aliens and similar, thus making the movie interesting for girls as well... the result of such an attempt is certain to ruin any a good flick. good looking girls and acting skills are seldom found in pair and they tend to be hysteric and boisterous in a most annoying way. nothing wrong with girls beeing able to care for themselves with guns etc, it was sigourny weaver to a large extent that made the first four movies so good, but it becomes annoying and pathetic with skinny models disposing of aliens by the hundreds, it simply ruins all credibility. and there's yet another risk with having a young fighting girl in a movie: the utterly cheesy and oh so predictable hollywood romance that grows from a dislike to fierce kissing at the end of the movie. yuck.

the directors's (paul w.s. anderson) list of previous efforts is not very reassuring either: shopping, mortal kombat :loco:, resident evil, but apparently the greatly underrated event horizon was directed by him as well, but that can't redeem films like resident evil or mortal kombat, never.

but i guess i'll have given them my money and is sitting contentedly in the theatre when it's out, oh well :D
That was a rant most excellent, my friend. :tickled:

I liked Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon kicked ass, so I'd have to say my excitement level for this movie just increased.
NAD said:
That was a rant most excellent, my friend. :tickled:

I liked Mortal Kombat and Event Horizon kicked ass, so I'd have to say my excitement level for this movie just increased.

hehe indeed, i had to get my opinions out somewhere, the lads at work are pretty pointless talking to.

bwah... mortal kombat :p
spaffe said:
it becomes annoying and pathetic with skinny models disposing of aliens by the hundreds, it simply ruins all credibility.
There is something inherently ludicrous, and yet profound, about that statement. :D

By the way, Paul Anderson also directed Soldier. Does that help his resume? :loco:

Disclaimer: As much as Soldier was slaughtered by both critics and the public, I actually quite liked it. It's hard not to like a Kurt Russell movie, and even Overboard was pretty funny. :loco:
Soldier... I think I saw that on TV once. It was alright from what I remember, but Kurt Russell just kicks ass though, so without him it would've probably sucked.

spaffe, your occupation cracked me up when I read it in your profile. :lol:
@spaffe: I agree. I have feared that the avp movie would be something like Alien 4 (Happy ending, wft!! Die Jean-Pierre Jeunet-french-bajsklämmare!). Anyway, the movie most contain the following things..

1. Blood
2. Someone getting impaled
3. Utter terror
4. A queen
5. More blood
6. Arnold
Soldier...shit, I remember that! Well, was alright, I'm quite sure.

I'm sure this new film will go down a treat with the lads...should be fun :)
JayKeeley said:
There is something inherently ludicrous, and yet profound, about that statement. :D

guess i should have added "of the movie" at the end there, i'm not a native damn you! :p

NAD: well luckily it's only temporary, i'm strating to get a bit tired of staring at the same yellow lawmovers all day long, been at it for some three months now. but i shouldn't complain really, the pay is good compared to other jobs requiring no higher education and a lot of young people are unemployed here.