All acoustic album?


New Metal Member
Jan 23, 2006
Hi I'm looking for Opeth's ALL acoustic album. No, not damnation. I think there are 6 or 7 songs on it, but it's entirely acoustic. I don't even remember if there are drums in it or not. I just heard it in my friend's car and I absolutely loved it, but I can't find it, and I've listened to damnation and that's not it. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.
Jordan. said:
Hi I'm looking for Opeth's ALL acoustic album. No, not damnation. I think there are 6 or 7 songs on it, but it's entirely acoustic. I don't even remember if there are drums in it or not. I just heard it in my friend's car and I absolutely loved it, but I can't find it, and I've listened to damnation and that's not it. Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

doesnt exist. your friend was pulling your leg.
No, it was Opeth, he got it from a "hardcore" fan. I'll just have to get in contact with him, I know for a fact that "Windowpane" is on the CD. Thanks anyway.
your friend to the accreditation he noobed you!!!! there's no such thing!!!! LOL.... all acoustic album, hehehe LOL.... i've been looking for the all-techno opeth record. i swera it exists, my friend the other day plyed it to me!!! it features the song demon of the dancefloor!!!
fade2black.. liek... who are you?! do i know you?! are you the guy from the winds forum trying to rub us another way to make us join your forum?!?! cos trust me.. it's gonna happen!!1!
Yay the all-techno opeth record!! it exists, there's no reason puke.

Opeth "all-techno album" featuring the hits: demon of the dance floor, the Dance Queen Falls, In My Time of A-Go-Go, the DJ Leaves, Melinda's high-heeled shoes, etc...
Jordan. said:
No, it was Opeth, he got it from a "hardcore" fan. I'll just have to get in contact with him, I know for a fact that "Windowpane" is on the CD. Thanks anyway.

no really, that wont be doesnt exist. the ONLY thing it could be would be a live bootleg of Opeth clean/acoustic songs, or the 2 acoustic tracks added to the reissue of blackwater park called "patterns in the ivy part 2", and "still day beneath the sun". theres no secret "hardcore" fan acoustic albums that idiots like me dont know about.