(6:41:27 PM) NoLordyCapone: food tim brb
(6:42:11 PM) Alfrinn: You'll have to introduce me to Food Tim sometime.
(6:42:43 PM) Alfrinn: I'll bet he's a jolly fellow.
Ah, the antics of Food Tim strike again. He once ate my party's entire supply of Pizza in two bites. I needed to pressure wash my bathroom because the aftermath.
And lo, his hunger would not be quelled; no, it would not be quelled by confection nor pastry nor spirits. It would not be quelled. Men saw this and they did fear Food Tim.
That may be a bit of an understatement. See, there was an incident where Food Tim couldn't find a towel big enough at the local spa and sauna to wrap himself in, so he went to the local bacon plant and "borrowed" a pork belly. He was arrested a few minutes later, because before he'd returned to the sauna, he'd managed to entirely eat his body covering.