Winner's Drunken Rambling Thread

throne_of_oak (8:38:54 PM): All hail St. Jeff Simoan the 3rd, Ruler of Hybernia, Master of the Realm
jeffery_simon_1 (8:39:40 PM): hail unto thee, one of visionary glances and uncanny viking punches
jeffery_simon_1 (8:39:56 PM): what be up mochabe
throne_of_oak (8:39:58 PM): Lol Visionary Glances and Uncanny Viking Smite
jeffery_simon_1 (8:40:06 PM): hahah
throne_of_oak (8:40:56 PM): Why, the power of the word Belgonicus has me simply mezmerized.
jeffery_simon_1 (8:41:13 PM): oh you too huh
throne_of_oak (8:41:45 PM): Why, simply put, yes
jeffery_simon_1 (8:42:16 PM): i have yet to overcome the geritol complete pill of wonder franks, its a deal that many men will put in their failure books
throne_of_oak (8:42:48 PM): Mmm, yes, a most worthy advesary is the Geritol Complete Pill of Wonder Franks
jeffery_simon_1 (8:42:52 PM): i know not what i do, I am one
jeffery_simon_1 (8:43:01 PM): hah
throne_of_oak (8:43:11 PM): *nods his head sagely. And yet... sadly as well"
throne_of_oak (8:43:13 PM): Hahaha
jeffery_simon_1 (8:43:50 PM): most sagely of you savage
throne_of_oak (8:43:55 PM): That was a most worthy statement Sir Jayvatar. I believe the day is yours. Huzzah Huzzah!
jeffery_simon_1 (8:44:03 PM): hahaha
jeffery_simon_1 (8:44:20 PM): oh no, not the memberance of those who cherish the huzzaah
throne_of_oak (8:44:39 PM): Huzzah! A kick to the penis for the king! CaRACK! AAAIIIEEEE
jeffery_simon_1 (8:44:43 PM): the are deserved of a turd toss into the eye
jeffery_simon_1 (8:44:47 PM): haha
throne_of_oak (8:45:21 PM): Hey! Come quick everyone! Their having a public turd tossing towards the eye in the center of town!
jeffery_simon_1 (8:45:31 PM): then a side body head turn raised viking punch to top of head
jeffery_simon_1 (8:46:08 PM): turn body as a sign of disrespect
throne_of_oak (8:46:29 PM): A powerful viking smite. It will cast them down as unto their ruin and I shall elevate myself by standing on their crippled brow, but only to urinate upon their broken face to add a most shameful end to their magnanimous failure
jeffery_simon_1 (8:46:49 PM): haha
jeffery_simon_1 (8:47:11 PM): yes it is a failure to be unconscious from such an event
jeffery_simon_1 (8:47:21 PM): it is deserved of urification process
jeffery_simon_1 (8:48:25 PM): little mealy brows
throne_of_oak (8:48:40 PM): Mealy! hahahaha
throne_of_oak (8:51:03 PM): is that before you fasten the Penultimate Towel of Urban Notice and Factual Funkage in a why look, there seems to be some sort of gnome living inside my head. The rascal has a powerful beard, not to be trifled with. He likes the boil cheese and drown ants in it while he plays with his action figures. Sometimes he just sits in a dark room and says "bleed" for days at a time, over and over, and over, and over, and over...
throne_of_oak (8:52:33 PM): But he does have mealy brows
jeffery_simon_1 (8:52:58 PM): goodness, this gnome could he by chance related to a small budding jerry curl covered niger man name Ted Jackson
throne_of_oak (8:53:40 PM): Buahahaha, Teddy Jackson?! Hell yeah, thats the brother to Randy Jackson. Ted and Randy are great friends with the gnome
jeffery_simon_1 (8:53:54 PM): excellent
jeffery_simon_1 (8:54:46 PM): I shall now grow a new booger, and when I pick it I shall celebrate by crumpling and rolling it between my chin bones, then poke my finger nail through and deem success
jeffery_simon_1 (8:55:44 PM): plays with action heroes, hahahah
throne_of_oak (8:55:49 PM): Ahhh yes, very wise, very wise. Its never a bad time to grease the chin area up with some fresh nose pickings. I save mine in a small wooden box and use them to make very tasty confections.
jeffery_simon_1 (8:57:19 PM): haha sick man
throne_of_oak (8:58:27 PM): And then there was three as an unearthly haze of green mist covered the area. Its then that the deep, yet weezy voice of Sir Charles Bronsalami the Master of the Frozen Cheek called forth on CP's missing cell and said "When does the ladder need to be turned? My necks are getting covered by this stuff."
jeffery_simon_1 (8:59:38 PM): hahah, the missing cp cell phone?
throne_of_oak (8:59:49 PM): But no one knew and they screamed "AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!! THERE IS A ROUND RED BAR!!!! AHHHHHHH!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! WHY IS THE BURNING FLAVORED"
jeffery_simon_1 (9:00:10 PM): did a non-cp designed person answer to the call of the bronsalami
throne_of_oak (9:00:32 PM): Yes, they answered on a tin can attached to a string
throne_of_oak (9:00:44 PM): speaking into the air, with it on their ear
jeffery_simon_1 (9:00:49 PM): haha
throne_of_oak (9:00:49 PM): why isnt this thing working?
jeffery_simon_1 (9:01:07 PM): it is the will of salami
throne_of_oak (9:01:29 PM): Your breaking up CP, I dont think my can gets very good connection down here. What? Oh, yeah! Im here in the booger capital of Nebraska
jeffery_simon_1 (9:01:33 PM): cp must of dropped his phone in one of those string enabled tin can porto potties
jeffery_simon_1 (9:02:04 PM): boogies capital
throne_of_oak (9:02:10 PM): Thats where I look first when searching from dropped CPs, porta potties, especially in the mexican side of town where you get much more variety in the auromas
jeffery_simon_1 (9:02:26 PM): hahah
Some of you advanced pupils may be wondering "What? How does one spill water into ones own slippage?" A good question. the only way to answer is by screaming backwards at full speed "Cause i was holding my ghetto ass insta-bong in my hand and I didnt have the bowl on. So I was twisting my arm and the water poured out of the bic pen and right into my fucking slipper" Man, this is so uncool.
Hah I bet all you fuckers are jealous as hell. My chair rocks nacl and forth so I can pretend Im a viking sailing accross the ocean in my boat. Yaaaaahooooooo!!! Weeeeee. I need a turban. Dude, I would be bitchin with that shit on my head. I would wear some big sunglasses and talk jive. lol I wonder if my eyes are even open. Mithras coming up next WWWWWAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!
Adam, the forum just wouldn't be the same without you ;)
But.. please stick to your very special own thread for your drunken/baked non-IE ramblings. I've merged all of them (I think around 7?), so you've got a nice collection here now :grin:
yeah it did. it s a; ; dry now and fitsd around my foott

so i went out with my roomate and his fdriends for patrrty day,. i havebt feklt likewe sicuh a freaak in a longf trime. im so messeds up/. i give up manm. cnat do it anymore. i alll i want to do is hget hjigh onj the nastiest shit so io dont hjavbe to feel antn

hahahah and iort nevered mattered dude so funy i doint think m eye s areopenn
Lol, no OD, but I have a week I dont remember. Memory was kind of fucked up for awhile but its getting better. Yeah, all sorts of crazy hunter s. tompson type shit been happening, pretty fun.

Hehe, damn, looking back at the last year, all I can say is wow, that was a trip. Feelin good though :cool:

Slippers totally dry now. They are great, I wear em everywhere. I'll be standing in line at walmart buying condoms and beer or something and an old lady will be staring at me. Hehe, guess I cant blame em. Fucking stupid old bitches. :grin: