All life is comming to an end...

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
I got a call........from home.......I am just in total shock.

My xbox360 has the red ring of doom, i need to fix it when i get home i hope to all things holy that i can make it work.....

Pray for me...
it means my 360 is turning into shit, i have a feeling its the power supply, ill see when i get home.

The light usually means hardware problems....lets hope it's NOT that..i still need to beat DMC IV
Curse you , i hope you never fix it ( just kidding ) , damn i want DMC IV :((( , I've heard that Dante is the bad guy here is that true ?
Did you have the newer 360? or one of the originals?

The most recent, cause the older ones had the same problems, thats why i waited till i got one.

I dunno, i can't buy a new one, not till after Chicago :( But i hope i can fix it, I'm good at that crap.

Shmu - I can't tell you that :p
My economy is kinda crap at the moment so I cannot afford a PS3 ... damn i want to play that game :S
So far its ok, not what i expected though, im on mission 17, was hoping for more weapons but the game right now is kinda repetitive...DMC 3 seems to be much better....

But i dunno, haven't played it all the way through soooooo the statement above isn't 100%
Yeah , DMC 3 was simply perfect , 1 was great and 2 sucked hard :p , finish it and tell me how it ends
I got a call........from home.......I am just in total shock.

My xbox360 has the red ring of doom, i need to fix it when i get home i hope to all things holy that i can make it work.....

Pray for me...

There is a little metal part near the drive that melts when your 360 over heats...i just noticed it and it clicks now everytime i close the tray.

Problem Found

Time to send this bad boy in and get one thay microsoft already fixed :erk:

its still under warrenty.
I know nothing about video games, or video game systems. Haha. But Steve when you mentioned power supply (or source) my little ears perked up because a few days ago, my boyfriend's mom's little shuttle box CPU wasn't working, and even though he's Mr. I Know How to Fix Things, and Mr. I Know Electrical Things, it was MEEEEEE who said "I think it's the power supply" and me who cracked that shit open and put a newwwwwwwwwww one in. HA. VICTORY. I was proud, of myself.
I know nothing about video games, or video game systems. Haha. But Steve when you mentioned power supply (or source) my little ears perked up because a few days ago, my boyfriend's mom's little shuttle box CPU wasn't working, and even though he's Mr. I Know How to Fix Things, and Mr. I Know Electrical Things, it was MEEEEEE who said "I think it's the power supply" and me who cracked that shit open and put a newwwwwwwwwww one in. HA. VICTORY. I was proud, of myself.

My computers CPU keeps overheating, could you fix it?