What is your overall outlook on life?

I do agree that life can be an enjoyable ride, but I find it frustrating. I want to be happy, but so many fucked up things happen to me that I sometimes lose hope. It's like all I want to do is get out and enjoy life while I'm still breathing, but then I'm hit with something that makes it impossible to walk, eat or move without excruciating pain. That's when I absolutely hate everything about life because I feel trapped inside myself? When I'm feeling great, I sometimes feel elation, but sometimes I just feel dead inside. I grew up in perpetual terror at home/school, and all of those issues fucking haunt me. I now understand what happened, and I know that my brain developed differently from most people. I can now recognize this, and I'm trying to do my own cognitive therapy so I can fucking trash the hardwired patterns and enjoy life again. It's hard to enjoy life when you're depressed uncontrollably, feel like you're living in a haze & you're constantly reliving shit from childhood. I want that shit to stop more than anything.

Kevin, nature is my salvation. Everything in nature seems so perfect. No matter what happens to me, I know that I can always take a walk in the early morning and expect to be blown away with the beauty of dawn. I know that I'll watch the animals get up and do their little routines, then I'll stumble across some incredibly flavorful wild berries or fruit and forage a bit myself. It's that kinda stuff that makes me feel better about life.

I understand that life is what you create, and the shittiness that happens enhances the great time you have that much more? It will always have its highs and lows, and I need to focus on the former. Lately, I'm more aware of the fact that I could die any day (car accident, etc), and that I need to work on accomplishing my dreams NOW.

As for humanity, I feel like the new environmental movement is steering us in the right course, but there are still major roadblocks...like these giant, soulless corporations. I hear about what things like BP and Monsanto are doing to us and our home, and it rips out my guts inside. It just blows my mind that other humans out there seem to have no conscience. I always choose wisely and vote with my dollar, but I want to do more. I feel like I see the world for what it is, and so many people are content to be blind and let wrongdoings perpetuate. This is why I want to get back into activism so I can help change the world for the better. It also kills me that people still judge others according to color, not character, and people are willing to blindly hate and kill without asking 'why'. I'm always teaching my little cousins that color doesn't matter because we're all the same people, we just come from different places on the earth. I wish people would evolve mentally and see that we are all the same species, let go of color.

Bottom line, if humanity doesn't let go of greed, racism, blind hatred, and intolerance, then we are all fucked. If we don't wake up and start caring for ourselves, eachother and the earth we live on, then we/it will become an inhabitable cesspool. I will die happy when I see humanity finally treat the world, and each other, with respect and love. I feel like I already came to this conclusion as a child, and I have never felt 'human', as stupid as that sounds. I feel tortured just living with all of these injustices still going on in the world. I want to help people help themselves?

I also view humanity (at this time) as a cancer on the earth. If people would be conscientious, I would feel differently.
As for humanity, I feel like the new environmental movement is steering us in the right course, but there are still major roadblocks...like these giant, soulless corporations. I hear about what things like BP and Monsanto are doing to us and our home, and it rips out my guts inside. It just blows my mind that other humans out there seem to have no conscience.

Well said. That's another thing that's wrong with mankind is an inability to establish a sort of equillibrium with what/who's around them, i.e the trees, the mountains, etc. They're feel the need to multiply, they feel the need to subtract from the natural surround and replace it with a power plant or some high-rise and whatnot.
I believe that this should answer your question -

While I was in turkey this week the only channel I had in english was BBC so I watched the news in the morning and at night and realized how shitty the world is and how good I have it.

The only way human beings will be saved is if they are enslaved by some alien race that doesn't let them act like humans, strips them of religion, power, ambitions of power and dominance over others, etc.

Starting mid-September I've given my resignation from a job that was weighing me down a lot and my goal for the end of this year is to make more time for myself, my family, my girlfriend, friends, dog, and not to be that concerned with making money and getting ahead financially.

I have tons of freelance work that, if everything goes as planned, will allow me to make my schedule a lot more flexible, allow me to travel more, make a lot more music (my bands have been stagnant for over a year now) and just enjoy life a whole lot more.

hoping everything pans out and I will be able to live this more leisurely freespirited life and not have to be on the computer translating and editing 14 hours a day like I have for the better part of the last year and a half.
While I was in turkey this week the only channel I had in english was BBC so I watched the news in the morning and at night and realized how shitty the world is and how good I have it.

The only way human beings will be saved is if they are enslaved by some alien race that doesn't let them act like humans, strips them of religion, power, ambitions of power and dominance over others, etc.

Starting mid-September I've given my resignation from a job that was weighing me down a lot and my goal for the end of this year is to make more time for myself, my family, my girlfriend, friends, dog, and not to be that concerned with making money and getting ahead financially.

I have tons of freelance work that, if everything goes as planned, will allow me to make my schedule a lot more flexible, allow me to travel more, make a lot more music (my bands have been stagnant for over a year now) and just enjoy life a whole lot more.

hoping everything pans out and I will be able to live this more leisurely freespirited life and not have to be on the computer translating and editing 14 hours a day like I have for the better part of the last year and a half.

Heh, this is soooo me. You won't be able to afford all the things you once could like buying a guitar on a whim, but the extra time and slowed pace is so nice that it's hard to get out of. I do freelance as well and it's hit or miss...I make very little yearly due to lack of classes, but it's enough to get by. I have a lot of free time which I use to spend with my family and my dog and my bands, just like you. It's great. I want to get a normal job again but at the same time I don't. Good luck, man.
Same as it's always been. Forgive me for quoting Warrel but, godless random interpretation.

My anxiety is just as bad as it was 10 years ago without a literal second of relief. The only thing thats changed is I force myself to go out anyway and bust my ass everyday. I don't see things getting any better for me. As soon as my grandma dies I'll be homeless and trying to take care of my simple minded alcoholic mother, whos stuck in a permanent depression over my dad dying. Geez, that reminds me I need to get that Menu Test down so I can be a waiter and make more money.

I'm allowed a little whining, I haven't done it in ages. And frankly I'm terrified about the future right now.