what the fuck is this forum comming too

I am a hobbyist. So I will have to lay down a few tracks, go to the "hobbyist" part of the forum, post my mix, check in a few days, see it has 2 replies with hundreds of looks, and those 2 replies are from other hobbyists just like myself saying, sounds good dude, but I cant say much as I am only a hobbyist to. While the people that are actually great at what they are doing are hanging in the "Pro" section. Hhhmmm. So I decide I cant get enough info that I need to go forward, so I step up and post in the Pro section, and then I would be told to go and post in the Hobbyist section. Clusterfuck and confusing!:heh:

Yup, I too worry about this, I'm definitely a hobbyist in attitude but to me that only means I have zero desire to do this professionally, I still want my stuff to sound as good as possible, so the input of pros is much appreciated!
Yup, I too worry about this, I'm definitely a hobbyist in attitude but to me that only means I have zero desire to do this professionally, I still want my stuff to sound as good as possible, so the input of pros is much appreciated!

That's one of those gotchas with the whole separation mentality - many musicians got into production as a means to an ends but how the hell do you classify people.

Quite frankly I think it will eventually become an "insiders" club not really based upon whether someone does it for a living or not and then to what degree - I mean is someone who produced a myspace band considered a "pro" or do they have to have a label release, and then what level of a label? Is a musician who publishes his own music a "pro", to what level and by who's categorization do you judge a person by - do you really want to go down that road?

Once you start categorizing people it always fails and you end up worse than what you were. All the folks calling for separation had to start somewhere and quite possibly had no idea they would get to the point they are at - perhaps they thought of it as a "hobby' back when they started.
I tend to think of pros as people who make their living (or a good portion of it) from AE'ing, and semi-pros being the people who record bands and make money but nowhere near enough to sustain themselves (though I'd also imagine that's often a transition point towards the goal of going pro, though maybe not, as I can imagine some people wouldn't want to AE for a living; after hearing the horror stories of deadlines, no free time, shitty musicians, etc., I can't say I blame 'em!). For me, my goal is and always will be my music, and I got into production to make it sound as good as it can; I feel like if I were to start doing AE work more often (and for other people), there's a decent chance it would drain my energy and motivation to work on and write my own music, which is absolutely unacceptable!
and eventually we'll be back to where it started...a few regulars making a total of 2-5 meaningful posts a day...people like Andy and James reading every topic and replying if they've got time.....
yeah, I can't see why anyone would want that o_O

everyone (well actuallly mostly the new members) speak of a transition every forum goes through or a "forum-puberty" or so, and if we don accept the change it won't happen...that's where you're losing me....we DON't WANT that "transition" to happen!
what's so bad about a small forum with a good quality/posts ratio?

We should just start using James Murphys forum! :heh:
Marcus - we are very similar in that respect. Music production is a means to an ends for me - as a musician it is simply a medium to get my creativity down. I don't see it ever becoming more than that but that does not mean I don't want to learn something from the folks that do it for a living. This forum along with many others have assisted me greatly and I assume they will continue to despite this recent belief that the sky is falling.
i think the only real solution to the problems presented here is to be even bigger dicks to any and all n00bs

i say we start with that veronicafalls kid...he's just asking for it