what the fuck is this forum comming too

My vote goes for a clearly labeled sub-forum for questions that are directed purely at "how do use digital replacement for xyz" with a couple of select people being given moderator powers to move threads to the correct places. Also, the moderator tag would hold some force against people asking repeat questions, it commands more respect.
Seriously, how can you guys complain? For a virtually un-moderated forum, this place is growing up pretty gracefully. Hell, there are plenty of forums out there with a dedicated team of mods that are doing far, far worse. I don't think I've ever seen a forum where all the members were mature enough to not completely ruin things in the absence of moderators. It's pretty much unheard of. There are bound to be growing pains, but things will smooth out eventually. The community isn't falling apart, it's just getting bigger.

That fabled closely-knit community that you guys think is gone is really still there. The posters who have been around for longer are still relatively close as far as I can see. The new members are feeling excluded and the old members are being called elitist--this is proof that the old connections are still there, though they will slowly be replaced as old members leave and new once take their places. It just doesn't seem so close because there are more people now, and with more people there comes more noise. This is just how things are.

We can go back and forth debating the fine details, but when it comes down to it, this kind of thing is really unavoidable in a healthy online community. You guys should be celebrating, this forum has hit puberty!
why then not call the thread "a new song I'm working on, please help with mix" ?
in that case someone needs help and if I find the time I'd try to help him (I know, happens rarely lately, but that's because I can't download anything on my studio Computer atm).
no, he calls the thread "8505+dfh" and puts it right next to 8 more threads with almost the same title (well, perhaps it's SoloC instead of 8508 or so)....
Why should I be interested in reading that thread?
if someone wants mixing help, why would he have to list the software he used in the title instead of asking the question or at least naming the style or purpose in the title?

see, if someone posts a thread "my bands demo, lend me your ears" I'll try and do so, and in that case I don't care what he used......but I'll not open a thread not saying anything in the title but "SoloC+Slate"

That's what I did with my first clip, I had clearly in the title "First clips of mine on the Sneap forum, help me out here with my stuff" (key word, HELP) rather than listed what software/hardware I used because it seemed to make a lot more sense but it seems not all the newbies are following that kinda lead, so I understand your frustration
Sevenstring.org is going well. Very well run, with moderators that do their job well. Lots of catagories, easy to navagate. "As soon as you attract this volume of people, you're going to pollute the place." Pollute it with what? More brains and ideas? Some better work from outside these walls? These comments will get out eventually, and the outsiders will be calling us the ones with our heads up our arses! So what if there are people coming in for a quick fix. Its their business, they might like to roll that way. This forum hasnt changed much at all, but some here want to go backwards, all in the name of keeping it a "tight knit'' community. If I post something here, its for the whole world to see, not just a selected few. Do I put in the thread, "if you are new here, or have under 50 posts, please do not read, use or copy any of the below!" or "Sorry, if you have an inadequate number of posts, you will not receive these presets!"

There's probably gonna be SS.org bashing now that mentioned it in your post:lol:
I like SS.org, but I'm like many over there that feel the place has declined.
I used to post heaps, but some days I rarely post there because there is about 10 new "HELP WHAT AGILE/IBANEZ TO BUY!" thread each day:erk:
But why do I stick around forums like that even if I feel it may have declined?
Because there is still some quality posters there, there is some quality information posted there in between the n00bish garbage and if I want to hear the latest news on 7 string and extended range guitars, SS.org is the best place to go to get that IMO.
Not to mention the cool deals you can get on gear there, as well as the awesome Dealers and Group Buy section, which has saved many people a lot of money and hassle.
Fuck, even though I only lurk sometimes since I don't have an account I'll admit I've seen some incredibly useful info.
No matter where you look in the world, there is garbage info but you can sort through it and find the stuff that's interesting and what matters, be it SS.org or the Sneap forum, but like anything good you gotta find it, it doesn't come to you, hence why the n00bs are total fail, because instead of looking for things, they want it to come to them, which is the wrong attitude.
345345 subforums and heavy moderation would suck hard.
Just break the Rate my mix/tone into these or similar three and be done with it:
Rate my Mix
Rate my Song
Tone Tests
I have to say, this thread is probably the most uncool thread I've ever seen here.

Eh, it is a giant venting thread. It isn't getting ugly either, which is a surprise.

Edit: I also don't think creating even more subforums would be a good idea. That would just create more clutter. However, I think if there were a high end/low end place that would be very cool.
That's what I did with my first clip, I had clearly in the title "First clips of mine on the Sneap forum, help me out here with my stuff" (key word, HELP) rather than listed what software/hardware I used because it seemed to make a lot more sense but it seems not all the newbies are following that kinda lead, so I understand your frustration

I hope the advise helped mate.
I did notice that it didn't get alot of attention. There was a time when your thread would have gone into at least two pages of very useful and varied responses.
That's what I did with my first clip, I had clearly in the title "First clips of mine on the Sneap forum, help me out here with my stuff" (key word, HELP) rather than listed what software/hardware I used because it seemed to make a lot more sense but it seems not all the newbies are following that kinda lead, so I understand your frustration

Thats also what I did, but I was actual thinking of including the gear in the next post course it seems like people would rather listen if the title says the gear I have used (based on the 200+ views and only 4 quick replys) :/.

the thing that annoys me a bit about the rate my mix forum is many of the people seems to only want feedback but does not bother to leave it for others.. I try at least the browse the forum and listen to a couple of mixes and leave some feedback if I have anything to add once in a while.
i really like this forum. The ppl are very helpful, nice and mature. There is a high level of conduct expected here and most ppl abide by it. Sure, the quality may have degraded abit but thats not stopping you guys from coming here, aint tat right? for me personally.. u guys are probarly the only ones whom i turn to educate myself.
Gotta say I agree with ermz on the subforum issue.
I think another subforum or two would help, but this forum is STILL really fucking tight-knit IMO. I know a hell of a lot of guys real name and talk to them outside of the forum on a daily basis, and I can't say I've ever experienced that on any other forum.
We were all knew guys once, wanting to get to know the regs, and because the regs were willing to take the time to talk to me on MSN, and answer my questions and offer advice on the forum, i now feel like a part of this community, and I'd say it's only fair we offer that same courtesy to the NEW new guys (i've only been here a year so I'm as good as a new guy, but meh)
Adding more subforums is only gonna increase this void that's causing so much ballache.
speaking of......are you a girl?
I mean....ah, there was one post I thought you might be and one post that made me hope you'd be a girl ;)

I'm pretty sure it was mentioned in another thread the lady in 20mg's avatar is his wife or something to that effect. So I wouldn't get your hopes up, its still all sausagefest in camp sneap. :D
I couldn't really add much but agree with Lasse and Egan.
But now that everyone has vented, been reprimanded and ideas put forth, what is the next step?
Destroy the 'Production Tips' and 'Sabbat' forums and in their place add 'Hobbyist' and 'Pro Audio' sub sections. The main forum can still be general discussion for intermingling between the two. Have the pro-audio section heavily moderated.
Hopefully an even greater maturity and respect between members and a shitload more learning.

Could a "rate my non metal mix" subforum fit in around here?
Personally I think that there is alot of knowledge to be gained if we broaden the spectrum abit. It might help to keep it fresh too.
Otherewise, maybe we could just use the current rate my mix section and not limit it to metal as much as it has been in the past.