All my best work (prog, thrash, rock, bossa nova)


Apr 5, 2002
Melbourne, Australia
So I was uploading samples of my better work up on the internet in the wake of updating my myspace page. I figured a lot of this stuff may be old or too alien for anyone here to remember, so why not post it?

Anyhow, these are some of the best mixes from my career so far, and there's a bit of a diverse cross section in there, so I'm hoping there's something for all of you.

Gear on these projects ranges across Peavey, Mesa, Krank, Soldano, Bogner and many more brands I don't recall.

So I'll start with the latest completed project:

In Malice's Wake - Eternal Nightfall:

Thrash metal. This one was mastered at Panic Room Productions, and is a few weeks away from pressing. Eternal Nightfall is the debut single from the album (of the same name) and up there is the full version of it.

Supersonic - My Machine (sample):

Rock. This one was tracked throughout last year and mixed during the first part of this year. It is a 6 track EP, and 'My Machine' is sort of the flagship song. There's only a sample up there, but it shows the band at their best. It was a local all-star lineup as it mainly consists of session musicians playing along with the songwriter/guitarist Daryl McMurtrie.

Steve Turner - Recalibrate the Solar Wind Generator (sample):

Prog. I was really proud of this one when it was completed some time last year. I only did the mix, but I still think it's one of my best, if not the best mix I've ever done. Very cool music, very tight playing. I was pretty shattered when Steve decided to get it remixed for the actual release of the EP, haha.

Eye of the Enemy - Weight of Redemption:

Modern metal. It seems that EoTE's release has done the most to bolster my reputation here locally. It was done around 2 years ago, parts of it recorded by their drummer and other parts recorded by me. The mix was done by me, and the mastering by a local engineer. It's a very intense EP, and could've easily been an album if the guys wished it to.

Igor Santos - Mofino e Lastiomoso:

Bossa NovaThis was done in my first year of real audio engineering. Part of a one-day project, I got to record a Brazilian percussionist doing this song all by himself. I don't know if it should count amongst my 'best' work, but it's definitely the most different.


Son of Man:

(something)Core. This was basically something I did recently as part of a mix competition here. It's not really part of 'my work', but I thought it would be interesting to include regardless.


So there it is, the best of my work. I hope you guys like, and if you want any info about the artists or gear used, I'll do my best to hook you up.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated. I'd love for this thread to get larger than my last few attempts on this forum :Smug: haha.

Your work is great! My fav was Eternal Nightfall! Really cool thrash going on there.

Damn, I hate bossa nova. Not your fault, of course. But really, it´s probably the worst musical style ever. The only thing I hate more than Bossa Nova are the guys who play Bossa Nova. Actually the guys who listen are way worse.
Cheers man. I'm not the biggest fan of bossa nova either, hah, but I don't see myself recording another track in the genre either, so it's interesting to put up.

I have to say I was hoping for a few more replies. Maybe I should scale down the size of my threads...
Glad to hear it. I was really scared that the Malice album would get a bad reception due to all the technical problems we had recording. It was easily the hardest mix I've ever done, and I've never done as much processing to tracks prior to it.

In Malice's Wake will have a brand new website and myspace address up in a few weeks when the album is pressed.

For now, the addresses are:

Not much to see, but the updated designs are coming soon!
Yeah, that's a fairly common reaction to the Supersonic stuff it seems. It lent itself to a half decent production job though, so no complaints here.

One thing I've been wondering. Do you guys feel that all my mixes are 'samey', or that there is some individual character in each one?

@Dan: Yeah I don't really know what happened there. Last I'd heard from Steve I was going to do the rest of the EP, but then a few months later I hear David Carr did it. Steve and I are still on good terms, so I don't really know what happened there at all.
You can definitely hear a lot of "evolution" in your mixes chronologically! They're not the same at all... They got much better as time went by... The first two clips sound great!! :D
Your mixes fucking slay.

And that Son of Man tune, I remember that haha. Good track, great mix. Love the mix you did for IMW too.
Thanks guys.

I was starting to get a bit concerned that I may be adopting a generic working practice. It's so hard to tell when you're so attached to your own work... it really takes a 3rd perspective to sort it out.

As much as I love Andy, adopting a distinctive sound across each and every project like that is one of my worst professional fears.
Yeah, I must admit that's really been surprising. But hey, all's well that ends well or something..... even so, I don't think I'd ever put that much time and work into a mix ever again.

I still have you to thank for doing the reamping. That was a bit of a saving grace.

@SVT: Thanks. I don't think I'm a big fan of that track either. Might just take it down and consider it a relic of a bygone time, hah.
One thing I must admit, as much as it is often said that Andy "has the same sound" on alot of his records (not always my opinion- I'd rather look at it as his search for the same clarity) I have for the last week been enjoying my first car audio system with sub, and would much rather an Andy mix or techno for it's production that sounds great, rather than something "different" just for the sake of it. Andy's mixes have an awsome punch and balance that really shine more and more as your equipment gets better.

My point- if it sounds good, why change just to be different?
You will obviously make small changes here and there and it will eventually make you beter, but no point being worried about "your sound" if it keeps getting these types of comments.
Wasn't it you saying that Andy's stuff was a bit too samey a few years back, haha?

Anyhow, I think it's possible to approach every project individually and still maintain high production values. It's harder on the engineer, for sure, but I think in the end you come off having learned a little something. Sometimes things will work and other times they won't. There's no real point in playing it safe all the time. That sort of thing starts to get boring, and it's why I can barely stand to listen to Andy's stuff anymore.

Many guys have a distinctive sound, but there's definitely a point at which that turns into what I perceive as laziness.
I don´t think it´s laziness... I would bet on loads of work and deadlines. It´s the same thing in any kind of business, when you´re under pressure and have to produce, you don´t have the time to reinvent the wheel. Not to mention that his recipe is one of the most sought after. On another note I would agree with Nebulous... Latest Arch Enemy, Dimmu... Not even close to his older work.