All of you Milano haters have to admit he was right.

TD said:
Jewcifer and Charlene have struck. If Scott would have paid his taxes and not had two divorces maybe John Bush wouldn't have a knife in his back.

i know u hate me saying this but if they really wanted to hit the big time why wouldnt they have kept joey for sown record,changing singers is the best way to end your career,yes they have plodded along ok but they made the decision to cut there fanbase,if they were greedy fuckers they would have put up with joey and dan if money was that important to them.,
I hate Milano but I thought he was right on the money all along about the reunion.
mrthrax said:
i know u hate me saying this but if they really wanted to hit the big time why wouldnt they have kept joey for sown record,changing singers is the best way to end your career,yes they have plodded along ok but they made the decision to cut there fanbase,if they were greedy fuckers they would have put up with joey and dan if money was that important to them.,

Actually SOWN sold evtremely well for Anthrax... one of their biggest selling albums of all time. The tour that followed did very good numbers too. Everything began to decline after the SOWN era, when coincidentally, just about every hard rock band's numbers began to drop off drastically, save a few.
DESPO424 said:
Actually SOWN sold evtremely well for Anthrax... one of their biggest selling albums of all time. The tour that followed did very good numbers too. Everything began to decline after the SOWN era, when coincidentally, just about every hard rock band's numbers began to drop off drastically, save a few.

and u dont think they woulda sold more with belladonna?,that dont wash with me,i think u will find among,soe,pot and b's sold just as well if not better.
Milano was right about what. NOTHING! 95% of what comes out of that fat fucks mouth is bullshit, and the other 5% is a mix of food, spit, and the smell of someones cock.
plus you know if scott and charlie said bout an s.o.d. tour?

milano would crap his load and be on that tour as fast as his 604 sized ass can run
mrthrax said:
and u dont think they woulda sold more with belladonna?,that dont wash with me,i think u will find among,soe,pot and b's sold just as well if not better.

Not neccessarily... just as there were people who left when joey did, a lot of people came on board when John Bush did. Joey's voice is a very acquired taste. Some people dig the Steve Perry thing, some didn't.

John Bush sold some records with Armored Saint before and during his Anthrax run... Joey Belladonna has been invisible. Out of Anthrax Joey has NO career, Bush does. Take that however you like, but it just seems that Joey Belladonna is completely irrelevant unless he is the 5th piece of Anthrax.

We'll see where they are in a few months with Joey.
Why would Bush want to do this? But if you can headline festivals in Europe instead of play shitholes in the US, I think he understands why they're doing it. Nobody hates each other and I doubt we've seen the last of Bush with Anthrax.

your mom sucks
Brentney Spears said:
Why would Bush want to do this? But if you can headline festivals in Europe instead of play shitholes in the US, I think he understands why they're doing it. Nobody hates each other and I doubt we've seen the last of Bush with Anthrax.

your mom sucks

Scott came on this message board and says Rob and John aren't going anywhere. He was on just a couple of weeks ago saying John wasn't leaving the band. Now it's "we'll see what happens" with not even a mention of John or Rob anywhere on the website. That's my biggest problem with this whole thing. Did they just change their mind within the last two weeks? Highly doubtful. Just be honest with the fans. That's all we ask. I'm not pissed because of the reunion. I'm pissed because I feel like I've been lied to.
lokey said:
plus you know if scott and charlie said bout an s.o.d. tour?

milano would crap his load and be on that tour as fast as his 604 sized ass can run
Don't count your chickens quite yet.......hell, they have to get their credibility back sometime, right? Can't wait to see Scott and Charlie on Strange Love with Flava Flav and that drunk ass cunt that Flava is in love with.