All of you Milano haters have to admit he was right.

Scott came on this message board and says Rob and John aren't going anywhere. He was on just a couple of weeks ago saying John wasn't leaving the band. Now it's "we'll see what happens" with not even a mention of John or Rob anywhere on the website. That's my biggest problem with this whole thing. Did they just change their mind within the last two weeks? Highly doubtful. Just be honest with the fans. That's all we ask. I'm not pissed because of the reunion. I'm pissed because I feel like I've been lied to.

Preach on Brother!!!

I want to hear what Bush has to say!! BRING ON THE BUSH!!!
"Jewcifer and Charlene" ??? Why so much hate? Aren't you a church goer? Love thy neighbor? tsk tsk tsk

Stop spreading the hate. If you don't like the new Anthrax, there are ways of expressing your opinion without recouring to hateful statements and calling names. I think that Scott's personal life has nothing to do with Belladonna's ability to sing or Bush being out of the band. Stop making scenarios and conspiracy theories in your head - soon you'll have the republicans involved in Bush and Caggiano being ousted!
TD said:
Jewcifer and Charlene have struck. If Scott would have paid his taxes and not had two divorces maybe John Bush wouldn't have a knife in his back.

What are you talking about? Bush, didnt get any knife in his back.

Fuck Milano. He is a punk bitch. If you ever run into that fat fuck, ask him about the China Club days in North NJ. He used to get his ass kicked in many of times there. :cry:
Billy Milano is lead vocalist for MOD/SOD. Without Charlie and Scott he'd have had not career thus he's resentful of them and posts lies and personal attacks about them on the Internet all them time. Much like many of the cunts on this board. But Scott and Charlie have never returned the insults in kind 'cause they have lives and don't care.
mrthrax said:
if they were greedy fuckers they would have put up with joey and dan if money was that important to them.,

Funny, Joey and Dan are both back in the band. Umm, what were you saying about greed? :Smug:
anen brother. Anyone that thinks anything Milano says is truthfull is an idiot. milano newest claim is Scott called and is begging him to do a new S.O.D reunion, but Billy declined saying it is not worth his time. Its good to see someone else sees the truth.

Brentney Spears said:
Billy Milano is lead vocalist for MOD/SOD. Without Charlie and Scott he'd have had not career thus he's resentful of them and posts lies and personal attacks about them on the Internet all them time. Much like many of the cunts on this board. But Scott and Charlie have never returned the insults in kind 'cause they have lives and don't care.
Ross___ said:
Hahahaha...where did he say that?!

on his own message board. Look under the thread Canada awaits for S.O.D

NB is denying the whole can call them and ask, I did. Billy is a liar. Whats even funnier to me is that he is the opening slot on a 3 band tour = 20 minute set, playing in the smallest clubs in the country (some have a capacity of less than 100 = total failure for someone who claims to be so well know worldwide). Anyway Milano is a shit eating liar, who makes minimum wage spinning records for 2 hours a week (which wont last much longer)

...This is from Billys fat chubby fingers......

Nuclear Blast called me 2 weeks ago to discuss a NEW SOD record because
SCOTT said he wanted to do one. When I told them I had no intention of doing it they then questioned why SCOTT said he wanted to do it. DAnny lilker was here 2 weeks ago and we talked about the reasoning for doing it and we both concluded it isn't worth it.
So get your head out of your ass and shut the fuck up when it comes to the internal workings of a band you have no clue about. Also, I think your about done posting here. Pretty much sick of your little bitch fits...
Wow...he's so powerful isn't he? The way he can just kick people off if they disagree. I'm impressed.

I wonder if he's actually so deluded that believes all the crap he comes out with!
