All the dickheads out in force

I'm a big Joeythrax fan. I even prefer every Joey version of Fistful songs over the Turbin sung versions but I do own all the albums and the Bush albums have great stuff as well.
It's only that:
1- I prefer thrash
2- the Bush albums all have a few songs I really dislike
3- The Joey albums have more sentimental value

Do I prefer JoeyThrax? Yes, for the reasons above. Do I I give a shit about BushThrax? Yes, that too, but slightly less.
Do I think reuniting with Joey has got cash involved? Yes, of course, both in '05 as well as now. Do I care? No.
Man since the announcement of Belladonna being in the band this board has suddenly surged with the influx of major dickheads.

You know who you are and there are quite a few of you too!

It's really starting to piss me (and the majority of others) off as this was once a great place to talk to fellow metal heads but now it's just the same old cocks posting shit either about how bad Joey or Bush or just trying to annoy the fuck outta people.

So I say this with all sincerity.

Grow up, lose the vagina, grow a set and shut the fuck up with your bullshit or GET THE FUCK OFF THIS BOARD!!

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh! People have an opinion that varies from mine waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!
Get a grip mate and read the post in the context it was originally stated.

It was never about people's opinion - it was about certain posters merely posting to cause shit and provoke.

That isn't debate or opinion - that is someone being a cock.