All threads on this board suck.

I can´t believe it! Even though this thread was started by me, it´s actually begun sucking! This board is totally amazing.
Aha, you´ve used my now legendary fake quote-post, santaservant. It was some good times when I first introduced this to UM. It was on the Dark Tranquillity-board, when I enjoyed a nice little banter with my dear buddy Mattias of the Night (mind you, this was before rahvin decided to not allow Mattias and I post there, since our brilliant intellects made them all feel sad and lonely).

Anyway, I agree with what you said just a little while earlier (that is, before you deleted the post):
nataservant said:
LOOOOOOOOOL, I suck! All my threads and posts are very unfunny and unintelligent, except the ones where I quote Sic because he is the master of the universe and an all-around kick-ass dude.