Thanks for the info, Trent. I've been wondering about it for a while. What a fuckin' knob that guy was!
I'm gonna have to watch that video again sometime. When I watched it my gran was sitting in the room with me, and I remember being embarrassed that she was there for some parts of it. Probably Mr. Stanley with all his women....
Main Entry: wast·rel javascript:popWin('/cgi-bin/')
Pronunciation: 'wAs-tr&l also 'wäs-
Function: noun
Etymology: irregular from 2waste 1: [size=-1]VAGABOND[/size], [size=-1]WAIF[/size] 2: one who dissipates resources foolishly and self-indulgently : [size=-1]PROFLIGATE[/size]
Yeah probably Paul Stanley in bed with 4 women, Gene Simmons being interviewed in a lingerie store, Chris Holmes wasted & talking about groupies in his pool while his mum frowned everytime he said "fuck", or perhaps the Gazarri Dancer contest with the strippers and London talking about chicks with handcuffs and stuff. The whole thing is more about sex & drugs than it is about heavy metal actually...