All time favorite album


Here is Nowhere
May 13, 2007
This goes for any band, any genre.

I'll start, for me it has to be Brave Murder Day by Katatonia. Something about that album... I just love it.

Anything post Pablo Honey by Radiohead and all Opeth would be next I think.

all time favourite would probably be MAYH but if i had to pick only one to listen to forever then it would probably be either mar de grises - the tatterdemalion express or cult of luna - somewhere along the highway.
Very hard question...Probably Radiohead's OK Computer, Still Life, ELP's Tarkus, or Scorpions' World Wide Live (I'm a total Scorpions fanboy lol).
^ lol, nice joke

anyways, definately Still Life for me.

runner up probably Whoracle, or katatonia's great cold distance. (hate on me all you want, i love that fucking album)
Maybe, possibly, I'd go with Metallica's S&M, both for the nostalgic reasons and also because of the flawless execution.
like everyone around here said, this is probably a question with no answer...
I have many candidates starting from Opeth, through Pink Floyd, all the way up to Alcest. Having that said, the most influential album for me would always be Opeth's MAYH, the first album Ive ever cared buying.

rock on, and merry Xmas :)
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral, the only other album that comes close for me is Bloodbath - Nightmares Made Flesh.