All time favorite album

I have 32 of my all-time favourite albums in my signature but I chose only 1 album for each band, so it's not exactly my favourites. A lot of prog and not-so-much metal here I'm afraid. I guess that not many people in this forum can recognize most the albums here, but I'm sure Mike knows all of them. :)

I made this signature before I knew enough about Opeth, if I had to add an Opeth album I would go for "Still Life" or BWP, probably the former because it has a cooler cover.
at being pretentious and as ass-licker at the same time? how about that?

I'm not either of that. I just thought that some people here might not recognize some of the albums, because they are pretty rare. I, for instance, barely know any metal albums, not because I think that metal isn't good music but because I'm just not really that familiar with the genre. And I know that Mikael Akerfeldt has a huge knowledge in music, so I'm guessing he really knows all of them.

But thanks for the warm welcoming to the forum.
It's thinking like that that allowed mussolini to rise to power!

:lol: hahahaha get out, that cracked me up you wanker

@baza: c'mon, dont be a ninny, try to look at it through our eyes. the albums you have in your sig have been discussed more than a thousand times on this forum and then one day a newbie like you comes along and says we might not know them. serves you right, my friend! but think of it as my way of welcoming you. so now go spread hate onto others :cool:
Okay, favorite album is hard. But after a lot of thought (and talking to my wife, who knew the answer IMMEDIATELY) I'd have to say it's


Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life

It has nearly everything I could want out of an album and it has aged well. It's one of those albums where you come back to it later in life and discover new ways that it touches you. Coming to it now as a parent, or example, has changed my perspective, and my appreciation for it just deepens. Besides, there are a shitload of songs on it! I've probably listened to it more than any other album I have.

In second, I think, would be Led Zeppelin II. Another that still sounds good and is still relevant after all these years.