All time favorite album

Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Dissection - Storm Of The Light's Bane
Children Of Bodom - Follow the Reaper

Those are for today.
which one? "desire" is my fave

desire is actually my least favorite of the big famous albums. i'd say for me it's a 3-way tie between blood on the tracks, bringing it all back home, and blonde on blonde. but god damn there's so many other good ones
kid a is likely my favorite album ever. that or foxtrot.

and pain of salvation has moments of greatness. but sometimes they get a bit cheesy for my tastes. I think daniel when he wants to be is probably the best singer in the prog metal genre. in terms of pure singing talent. I like mikey more overall, but i think you guys know what i mean.

I love Kid A. It's (in my opinion) Radiohead's great masterpiece. Such gripping atmosphere, melancholy, anger, beauty, all wrapped up in this amazing package. From the first 30 second of Everything In It's Right Place I knew I was going to love the album.

Here I am getting all teary eyed. :lol:

As for POS, I don't know a lot about the band, but from what you guys are saying it seems he needs to remember that good musicians know when NOT to play.

That being said, he was pretty good on Ever-Arch-I-Tech-Ture.


Nightingale - Alive Again

I've been meaning to pick up a Nightingale album, guess this'll have to be the one I check out first. :headbang:

Other contenders for mine would have to be:

Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt
Cynic - Focus
Death - Symbolic
Disillusion - Back to Times of Splendor
Gojira - Terra Incognita
Nevermore - This Godless Endeavor
Riverside - Out Of Myself
Quo Vadis - Day Into Night
Third Eye Blind - Blue

Is this a joke post? I'll put it on the line and say this album and their ST actually have some really damn good songs despite being fairly inconsistent and having a reputation as trash radio rock (which they most definitely don't deserve to be labelled as despite having a few annoying hits). Blue kind of peters out after "farther" imo and I can't stand "Never let you go." Never listened to out of the vein, I should probably do that someday.
I've been meaning to pick up a Nightingale album, guess this'll have to be the one I check out first. :headbang:

Get "The Breathing Shadow," it's the most unique Nightingale album, as well as the first, plus it was when Dan did everything solo.

My second recommendation would be their newest one "White Darkness." Easily Dan's best vocal performance out of them all.