All time favorite album

Also, Moving Pictures by Rush is just perfect and it would probably be my all time favourite album if Lfdgd or Grace didn't exist.

I've been trying to get into Rush for a while and I just got moving pictures. I like a few songs from the new album like Far Cry and A Larger Bowl. Is it the best old album to start with or should I get another one?
Have you noticed this is the "all time" favourite album and not the "at the moment"? Just say the album which maintained the first position more than the others
You want to know something? I've never had a single favorite album of "all time" because my opinions on certain types of music change so often, and I just posted what I thought would suffice for the thread.
I've been trying to get into Rush for a while and I just got moving pictures. I like a few songs from the new album like Far Cry and A Larger Bowl. Is it the best old album to start with or should I get another one?

Moving Pictures is probably their top album, the band reduced the length of the songs but still kept their complex playing style and started to use synths as a ''real'' part of the compositions, they even incorporated some reggae elements in a song. The whole sound is more like new wave prog than classic prog though.
If you enjoyed MP then run and get Permanent Waves right now, both albums have similar musical patterns and aren't far between each other in terms of quality.
2112 is another classic by the band from their older era, full of hard-rocking riffs and a really heavenly acoustic guitar work, all the songs are awesome, especially the 1st one, which is enormous. The album is slightly psychedelic in parts and the vocal melodies are so passionate it's priceless.
The 3 albums above are probably the greatest but Fly by Night(basically Rush in a Zeppelin mode), Hemispheres(not too different from 2112), A Fareweel to Kings, and Signals are incredible too. As for the latter stuff, Counterparts is a quite good album from the 90's, full of well-written grungy(not grunge =p) tunes, Vapor Trails is decent, and i think that the new one is fucking great.

His best. By far. Even after all these years, I feel like the album is still alive and changing with every listen.

It's not a joke, asshat.

In retrospect, Ball Tongue is probably my favorite song by them, from back when I used to listen to them more. I'm not a fan of Ross' production style though.



Between these 4 really.. These are albums i just do not get sick of.. And that i just consider, nigh on perfect.

Weakling - Dead As Dreams
Akira Yamaoka - Silent Hill 3 OST (2 is very close)
Godspeed You! Black Emperor - Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas To Heaven
Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag Alatt Született

I actually think all 3 of GY!BEs albums are amazing.. But Skinny Fists is the album that i first heard.. And it blew me away, it had such an impact on me. If i heard one of their other 2 main albums first, that'd probably be my favourite one.
^lol yes, RV is awesome.

I still maintain to this day my belief that Everything's Ruined is possibly the single best crafted rock song i've heard in my life. just fucking brilliant.
I've been trying to get into Rush for a while and I just got moving pictures. I like a few songs from the new album like Far Cry and A Larger Bowl. Is it the best old album to start with or should I get another one?
2112 is the best place to start with Rush. It is near flawless.
Iron Maiden - Brave New World, Sentenced - Crimson, or Katatonia - Viva Emptiness

They've all been in the top spots since I first heard them, and they're the three albums I absolutely can't be without, ever.