Alligiance Documentary

Johnny Z.

Aug 24, 2007
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Hi everybody

i've bought all Firewind japanese releases and my "Allegiance" has NO documentary....
so who can upload it for me?
i'd like to convert to DVD like I did with "Forged by Fire" multimedia section.

I've tried to download "allegiance documentary" from youtube but the quality is NOT good...

thanks friendS!!:rock::rock:
the best things in those documentations / road movies are: Bob's Cam, The part where Petros bumps his head while playing Playstaion, where christal odered a Tee and got some other thing..
hahaha, I love that road movie thing.
Or did anyone see the roadmovie on the DVD??
=> Quote from Petros: "No coins, no Coins!!"
Yeah is it not like literally 6 and a half feet away from the venue? lmao!

Bless. I wonder if he's seen the fanpage (since he's the only loser without a MySpace!!!) haha. I couldn't even link his picture to anything :( Boo!

xx Kirsty
Easy. We just keep sending getting MySpace to send him e-mails to his account everyday until he activates it!

Then he's hooked.

Remember I said I never wanted to look at html again?

I'd make the sacrifice and do up his page. I'd cry. And likely throw my laptop out the window. But I'd do it.

xx Kirsty