Almost a POLL: Worst/best taste in music on RC?

Aquarius rules. If they actually had everything in stock that their site said they did, and didn't take months to ship orders, they'd be the best distro I know, bar none, even with their prices.
Everyone on this board has respectable tastes in some fashion or another. And I mean everyone.

The only almost-RC-consensual band I overtly despise (what, I hate them even) is fucking Nevermore - to hell with this crap.

OK so as far as the question goes I'd say worst tastes = Zod (where has he been of late anyway?) - best tastes = Crimson Velvet or maybe Spikes77. But as I said I will connect to everyone on at least a couple things.
I'd say NAD, Doomcifer, JK, and Highway Corsair for similar tastes to mine, but what do I know?

Worst? Tully, for calling everything gay :lol:
Dick Sirloin said:
I find myself wanting to discuss stuff like Frank Zappa, Sonic Youth, Current 93, Ash Ra Tempel, Tear Garden and Stravinsky... I swear, the RC forum is the ONLY place on the net where I could start a thread on any of these bands and actually get replies.

Sometimes I think this forum is only about 60% metal. Which is pretty fucking awesome, IMO.

I agree with you on that...and this forum could definitely use some more Zappa appreciation. As for the original question, I'd have to go with NAD, Doomcifer, Nate (if only for his uncanny ability to predict which band the whole forum will start creaming over next), and of course that BWDick guy. Worst...I'll play it safe and name someone everyone hates anyway in Birkenprick...
I love this forum because of the above
i can find new tunes, discuss and have a laugh
nice balance without constant 'look at me I'm calling you shite for liking X-band I'm so fucking underground and cool' posts using text speak with the conversing skills of a 3 year old brat
NADatar said:
No, the only thing that bugs me about musical opinion here are those that rag on a band when they've never even heard them before. Erik will do it to be clevAr, but J. does it because he's weird.

Name one. :confused::loco:
JayKeeley said:
And then I listened to Jesu.

And I got to thinking, it's funny that people can like Jesu yet HATE Kayo Dot.

One is good. One is bad. Simple, really.

(and yes I've heard both)

JayKeeley said:
reasons...for not liking Kayo Dot can also easily be applied to Jesu.

How so?

As for best and worst? I don't know who's taste really conforms with my own. Probably Spike the most overall. I agree a lot with Erik on doom and BM in general. I also agree with J and Gugs a lot on pagan BM. Henrik and I agree a lot with DM. JK seems to like a lot of the same stuff too come to think of it. Ellistin as well. Oh fuck it, I guess I share many opinions with lots of people here. :)

Worst? Doomcifer/IOTS. :ill: And I remember Doomcifer used to have good taste. :loco:
Ellestin has recommended a fair deal of good BM bands, so I'll forgive him for liking stuff like Overmars. Thanatopsis generally has good taste, same goes for En Vind Av Sorg. Opeth17 has more or less awesome taste in extreme metal. Gugsy likes a fair deal of good extreme metal bands, plus he likes punkrock!

As for the person(s) whose taste in music differs most from mine; probably Doomcifer, IOtS (although he liked Black Debbath, which is a huge plus in my book!), Progmetalfan, matt99crew and jimbobhickville.
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Décadent said:
Crimson Velvet has the best taste. And Lurch, for enjoying a Portal sample :loco:

hah, damn straight!

The thing about me is that I'm very traditional. I'm not as "experimental" and "out there" as the rest of you hippies.
JayKeeley said:
So here's my "to buy" list:

CODE - Nouveau Gloaming*
NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL - In the Aeroplane over the Sea
THE SWORD - Age of Winter (oh man, the samples for this make me urinate in glee)*
RED SPARROWES - At the Soundless Dawn*
MAXIMO PARK - A Certain Trigger
dont forget the butt dildos

What I appreciate with RC is that almost everyone will try to get into something the rest of the people would despise on their name/genre only.
Décadent said:
Crimson Velvet has the best taste. And Lurch, for enjoying a Portal sample :loco:

hehe, and that is the last thing I heard from them ... gotta look into that release.